Chapter 8

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River Pov.
"River! Get down here everyone will be here soon!" I heard Trevor yelling out to me as I stared at myself in the mirror looking at myself in the dress Andrea had given me.

I began to talk to myself trying to give myself a pep talk, "Just go down there, smile, maybe just have a good time and then go back to your room." Once I had gotten that over and done with, I walked down stairs and outside to the pool area to see all the boys standing in a line taking pictures of me and vlogging at the same time.

"You look amazing River." all the boys were smiling.

"River where did you get that dress?" Connor asked studying every bit of it "This was really expensive." he added.

"Andrea gave it to ma for my birthday present." I smiled.

Kian turned off his vlogging camera and gave me a big hug, "You know we all love you right?" I could feel my smile fading away.

I had this feeling they were hiding something from me.

I mean I always had this feeling but this time it was like I knew for sure.

"Of course Kian bu-" I was interrupted by loud screams.

"River!" Maggie, Madison, Teala and Eva all ran up to me squealing. "We put your presents on the present table but we want you to open this now!"

I opened the present that Madsion handed over to me and saw a cute necklace.

"Aw this is so sweet! Is it like a best friend necklace?" I put it on and admired it.

"You could say that." Teala smirked.

"Can't wait to have a swim tonight!" Maggie was jumping with excitement and I noticed that all the girls outfits were amazing.

I felt really insecure standing next to them because compared to them they could wear dresses and always look amazing where I couldn't.

"Just make yourself comfortable." I smiled. They nodded and walked off to go get a soda.

Suddenly my phone went off and I looked to see it was from that Private Number.

Private Number: See you soon Birthday Girl.

I felt a rush going over my body. I replied back.

River: Who is this?

But there was no reply.

I really wanted to just go to my room but I knew the boys would be annoyed at me.

Next all the British youtubers came like Dan and Phil, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler, Joe Weller and so much more! I really loved how close all the YouTubers were together.

Soon everyone else arrived like Ardern Rose, Jenn Mcalsiter, Andrew Lowe, Crawford Collins and his brother Chris Collins and obviously more.

Some Viners started to arrive like Jake Paul and his brother Logan Paul, The Dolan twins, the Dobre twins, Lele Pons, King Bach and again so many more!

It was the afternoon and the boys from Magcon still hadn't arrived.

I know it was an all night thing but I was worried that they weren't coming because I had been ignoring Hayes.

I walked over to Madison to ask her what was happening. "Where's Jack and the rest of the boys?" Madison smiled at me with that smirk like she knew something I didn't.

I shrugged it off and walked away.

All of a sudden the music was changed and played really loudly.

Everyone went quiet.

I turned around to look where Everyone else was looking and it was all the Magcon boys.

Skate and Jack and Jack started singing "Like That" and I realised Hayes wasn't there.

I felt my heart break in two.

Once the song had finished I turned away and was ready to go sit up in my room for the rest of the night but I was stopped.

"River wait!"

I looked back to see Hayes now standing with the rest of the boys.

"You probably don't want to see me right now but I don't care. Damn Riv you mean a lot to me!"

He called me Riv..

He never called me Riv.

Was he upset with me?

I started to feel embarrassed as Hayes spoke into the microphone towards everyone.

"River look up at me." I did what he said.

"See this?" he pointed to the necklace he was wearing which was the exact same as mine. "It means I pinky promise you that I'll keep you safe, that I'll never leave you and that I'll love you forever!" Hayes jumped down running up to me and hugging me.

The music began to play again and everyone went back to enjoying the party.

I noticed that Kian and Jc left the party to go upstairs.

Hayes also got pulled away as Nash looked like he was fighting with him.

"You look hot!" Andrea looked me up and down in the dress, "But go get dress into your bikini! Everyone is going in the pool now." I nodded and walked upstairs searching for my swimmers.

I grabbed them and went to close my door but I heard whispering coming from Kians room.

"She's going to find out sooner or later! Shes  going to fucken hate us when she does.. She's going to hate everyone."

They weren't talking about me were they?

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