Chapter 12

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Hayes Pov.
River looked happier when she was with Jack.

I saw them sitting next to each other on the couch while Jack wrapped his arm over her.

I was coming to say sorry.

But what was the point?

River and Jack had always been great friends and I knew Jack wanted more than that with her.

I walked to the front door and opened it.

Taking one last look of her laughing with Jack.

I turned back around and left.

River Pov.
I decided to go find Hayes and apologise to him about earlier and that I should just open up to him more.

I excused myself away from Jack and went to go find Hayes.

I started to feel uneasy because I couldn't find him.

"Have you seen Hayes?" Nash came up to me.

"No, I was just looking for him." I replied nervously.

"Fuck.. I've tired calling him but it just goes to voicemail." Nash seeming really worried was only getting me upset.

Had he left the party because of me?

"He called me saying that he's had enough of everything and now I can't find him.. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid but thanks anyway River." I stood frozen as Nash walked away leaving me by myself.

Was Hayes okay?

I thought about what Hayes had told Nash.

Why had he had enough of everything?

Was I the one who made him leave the party?

Was he upset because of me?

I unfroze and ran to my room to find my phone.

I started tearing my room apart.

I threw my homeschooling books on the ground, I pulled clothes out of my walk in wardrobe and I ripped the sheets off of my bed but still no phone.

Then I remembered that I had slid it into that jumper I had put on earlier.

I ran downstairs accidentally bumping into Jenn Mcallister and quickly apologising before running off.

I picked up the jumper and grabbed my phone out of it then ran back up to my room shutting and locking the door behind me.

I opened my phone to see I had three unread message.

I firstly read the two messages from the Private Number.

Private Number: I know what you over heard. Don't trust any of them River. Soon I'll tell you everything.

Private Number: You look beautiful tonight.

I tried to forget what I had read and opened the message from Hayes.

Hayes: I'm glad you have someone to make you happy. Jack J can always make you smile and I'm glad you have someone who can do that for you.

I fell to the floor with my head in my hands.

I never thought of Jack that way.

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