Chapter 28

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River Pov.
I was standing outside of my real mothers house.

What was I going to say that I was her child?

Would she recognise me when she sees me and remember all our memories?

Or will she still not remember anything and deny that she still had no child?

I walked up to the house and peeked through the window.

I saw a little girl drawing a picture.

Did I have the wrong house?

That's when my mother walked into the room next to the little girl.

The little girl ran into my mothers arms and soon joining a man I didn't recognise.

I looked on the wall at a picture to see a little baby girl joined by the man and my mother.

They were a family.

I couldn't help but cry.

I fell to the ground head in my hands. I just wanted the pain to end.

Why did everyone always abandon me or lie to me?

I got up taking one last look at them wiping tears from my eyes and walked back onto the path home.

Connor Pov.
I walked back into the house with food and drinks ready for the party in less than thirty minutes.

"Has anyone seen my sleeping pills? I swear they were just in the bathroom." Sam looked tired and I didn't know why he had been taking those pills.

"Nope." Everyone replied.

"I'm going to go ask River." he walked back upstairs and I could hear him knocking on Rivers door.

Sam Pov.
"Have you seen my sleeping pills?" River was snuggled up in bed looking at her phone.

"No, I haven't.. Why?" She was playing with her earrings.

I knew she was lying because that's what she would do when she lied. She would play with her earrings.

I ignored it because I wanted her to be happy for the party and not in a shitty mood.

"Come down stairs.. Everyone's going to be here soon." She nodded and I walked out closing the door behind me.

River Pov.
I walked down stairs after putting on a black skirt, a denim crop top and some black heels.

I saw people were already starting to arrive.

They would give me an awkward smile and hello.

I ran back upstairs closing the door behind me.

No one cares anymore.

To them I was just a little girl from a car crash.

I had a plan.

I walked into Kian's room and grabbed his camera and tripod.

I set it up in my room and pressed record as I sat on my bed starring into the lens.

I spoke, "This is my suicide note."

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