Chapter 23

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River Pov.
We went into the kitchen but were stopped by Skate and Jack G.

"Hey, James wants us to sing Like That " Skate tugged at Jack J to come on stage.

"I'll be right back." He said whispering in my ear and gliding his hand down my back before going.

was tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Beau.

"Hey, can you take a picture for me?" He handed me his phone and I nodded about to click the button when the other boys started coming into it.

"Okay ready? Three.. Two.. One.." The camera sound went off and Jack G had began singing.

"Thanks Riv" Beau smiled as I gave him back his phone.

He walked off and Luke, his brother had walked up to me.

"Hey River we should hang out sometime." he winked at me and pulled me in for a hug.

Jack J Pov.
As soon as I began to sing I could see Luke letting go of River and walking away.

She looked towards me.

I held my hand out signalling her to grab it.

She walked up to me and did. I pulled her up on stage and held her close as I began to sing.

River Pov.
"I'm beginning to daydream of what we can be and the things we can do if you give me your time but tonight all that's on my mind is getting to know you and making you mine."

I felt butterflies as he held me at my waist and gave me a few winks.

I never felt this way with Hayes.

"And let's pretend that in this moment in time we're more than friends and I recommend that you and I get familiar."

He kissed me on the lips as Jack G sung the rest of the song.

He kissed me in front of everyone!

Once I pulled back I looked to see who was in the crowd.

Hayes and Maggie stood out hand in hand.

Hayes looked upset.

But suddenly I didn't care what he thought.

Jack led me off stage and into the main lounge.

We sat on the couch and talked for awhile.

"What's the time?" I asked Jack.

He took out his phone and showed me.

It was 8:35pm and it was pretty dark outside.

"So what is this?" Jack asked me as he pointed between us two.

"You tell me?"

I could feel my cheeks blushing as he sat closer to me and whispered into my ear, "Love?"

I went in for the kiss and the butterflies were again flying around in my stomach.

The butterflies were alive.

He pulled back a few seconds and touched the necklace around my neck.

"You still love him don't you?" He let go of it and I began to take it off.

"No. Not at all." He took the necklace and left me sitting by myself.

Jack J Pov.

"Here buddy, she won't be needing it anymore." I gave Hayes the necklace and began to walk back to River until he pulled me back.

"Don't you dear hurt her." He whispered in my ear.

"Never the way you did my friend." I whispered back.

"Don't you dare touch her." He spoke once more before I began to walk away.

I winked at him and left the room.

River Pov.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I looked up to see Jack holding out his hand to help me up.

We walked up the driveway and into Jacks car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Star gazing."

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