Chapter 10

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River Pov.
After awhile Hayes had left, back to the party I assumed.

I could hear the loud music downstairs that played over my cries.

I felt cold and alone.

I looked at the blood that had dried up from tripping over when I fell into Sam.

There was a loud knocking at the door and I jumped.

"River!" It was Maggie.

I unlocked the door and saw her standing there.

I immediately started to cry again as I hugged her tight.

"Hayes was worried." she spoke, I looked down at my necklace that had been from him and pulled it hard off of my neck.

"River don't.." Maggie spoke soothingly  trying to calm me down.

I fixed myself up and threw the necklace on the floor and began walking out the door like nothing had happened.

"River wait! You can't just do that!" She pulled me back.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at her and she looked horrified.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked but I didn't answer.

I walked away going downstairs and back to the pool area.

I was stopped and grabbed by Kian.

"Why are you being so weird?" He asked grabbing ahold of my shoulders so I couldn't move.

"I'm not being weird! Why are you lying to me?" He stood frozen and I pushed his arms off of me and walked away.

I saw Andrea talking to Matthew Espinosa.

"Sorry Matt, can I steal her away?" Matt nodded and walked off to talk to Paul Zimmer and Danny Edge.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"Please get me out of here!" I pulled her towards the door but she stopped me.

"What's going on? This is your party you have to enjoy it!"

"I don't want this stupid party!" I shouted over the loud music so she could hear me.

Andrea nodded and put her drink down.

We walked to the front but Andrea got pulled away by Trevor, I went to grab her but I was stopped by Kian.

"I don't know what you think you heard but you're wrong!" I could barely hear him.

He pulled me out the back as Andrea followed.

I looked at the main area where all the music was coming from and saw Ricky hiding something behind his back.

I walked up to him because Kian had told me and he held out a smashed up cake.

"What? Was this meant to make me feel better?!" I yelled at Kian.

"No! This is what you heard me and Jc talking about we dropped your cake and then the boys from the Janoskians accidentally ran over it with their car.

Now I felt absolutely pathetic.

Hayes and Maggie are going to think I'm so stupid.

I tried to laugh.

Andrea Pov.
River walked away to go find Maggie and I shot Kian a dirty look.

"You guys can't keep this a secret from her for her entire life! It's going to go too far." I folded my arms.

"Why not? You have been keeping it a secret too." He began to walk away but stopped and turned around, "It has been four years Andrea don't ruin it now."

Then he walked away.

I acted like I didn't care or miss him but I did.

And as he walked away in that moment I could feel the pain of the day I sent that text to him telling him I was done.

I acted like I was fine with it..

But I wasn't.

Kian Pov.
I could feel her eyes on me as I walked away.

It hurt.

I missed her.

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