Chapter 26

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Sam Pov.
We were now at the house after what felt like a five hour drive.

We all walked in and saw River was shouting and crying at Jack.

"What is happening?" Kian said as he walked into the door with Andrea.

Jc pulled River off Jack.

"Everyone is lying to me!" She shouted at us.

"River you need to calm down." Connor spoke.

"No! T-tell me!"

"Jack told her." I spoke calmly.

Everyone looked towards me.

River Pov.
"It's true! I was never adopted?" The tears were rushing down my face as I rushed my hands through my hair frantically.

"Why would he tell her?" Trevor spoke.

"She deserved the truth!" Jack said as he wrapped his arm around me but I pushed him off me.

"River you weren't adopted.." I looked over to Jc who was by my side and after everything it all made sense.

Everything made sense.

Why I wasn't allowed to closely look at pictures of the "Stolen Girl"

Why I wasn't allowed to watch anything about her..

Everything made sense.

Kian tried coming closer to give me a hug but I resisted.

"Don't touch me!"

"River you have known us for four years!" Kian was angry.

"Tell me why? How?"  I said angry at them.

"We heard a crash above us on the bridge and you fell out of the car into t-"

Kian cut off Jc.

"Shut up!" Andrea shoved at Kian and Jc continued.

"You fell into the River in front of us. We didn't understand what was happening but you were drowning we grabbed you and gave you CPR. We could hear you breathing but your eyes weren't open."

My name..

That's why they named me River.

"We looked at the crash and it was really bad.. We tried saving your dad but his bottom half was crushed and there was so much blood."

"Oh god!" I fell to the ground but Jc continued.

Jack was comforting me and I didn't know if I felt the same towards him after what he had told me.

Why had he told me that?

Why had he lied to me?

"He saw us holding you and we could just make out that he told us to look after you.. He thought your mother was dead too. He took one last look at you and touched your hair then a few seconds after he closed his eyes."

Jc stopped and Ricky continued.

"We were scared River.. We didn't know what to do so we took you back here and called people after people asking what we should do. We took out the contacts you had been wearing and permanently dyed your hair.. You woke up a few days later with no memory so we told you that we had adopted you."

"So everyone knows?" I asked quietly

"Everyone you know, knows.." Sam assured me

"Hayes? Aaron Carpenter? Casper Lee? Joey Graceffa? Paul Zimmer? Madison Beer? Every single person?" Everyone nodded.

I had been lied to since the day I came into this internet famous group.

I was lied to by the people I loved most.

And I have never in my life experienced this kind of pain before.

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