Chapter 30

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River Pov.
I laid back in bed above the covers.

I opened the bottle of alcohol I had snatched from the cupboard downstairs earlier and grabbed the sleeping pills that I had found in the bathroom earlier when I snuck back into the house.

I first took a sip of the alcohol.

I cringed realising how strong it was.

There was a loud knock at the door again making me drop all the pills on the ground.

"River come downstairs!" Sam again.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled out crying as I started picking up the pills from the ground.

"River are you okay in there?" Madison was with him.

I cried out silently.

"Please leave me alone!"

"Let us in!" they started fidgeting with the door knob trying to get in.

"Leave!" I yelled out.

They wouldn't leave and were trying everything to open the door.

I finished picking up the pills.

I hopped back into bed and tied my hair back and taking off my shoes.

"Okay breathe." I tried calming myself down.

"River!" Madison was screaming at the top of her lungs.

I took a huge gulp of alcohol then began raising the pills to my mouth.

But the balcony doors opened stopping me.


I tried to ignore him and quickly raised the pills to my mouth.

"River!" Hayes yelled out.

I took one last glimpse at the necklace that Hayes was wearing.

The one that had many unkept promises.

That he would never leave me.

That he would love me forever.

The thing is he promised me that he would always keep me safe.

The last thing I remember is that my head hit something hard and everything went dark.

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