Chapter 15

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River Pov.
I awoke with someone tugging at me.

I opened my eyes to see Hayes hovering over me.

Everything was quiet so the party must have finished. I sat up looking at my clock to see it was 5:30am in the morning.

"What are you doing here?" I yawned stretching still sitting up.

Hayes hopped into my bed and laid where I had just gotten up from.

"I wanted to see you." Hayes intertwined his fingers with mine and I let out a laugh.

"The boys will kill you if they know you're here." just as I said that I could hear Kian's door opened and footsteps coming from them.

I put my finger over my lip signalling Hayes not to talk.

The footsteps stopped in front of my door then suddenly another pair of footsteps walked out of Kian's room.

I then heard a giggle.


My heart sunk as I got up running to the door and putting my ear against it to hear their conversation.

"Text me when you get home." I heard Kian's voice then a smooch sound.

"Of course." Andrea replied then walked away as Kian went back into his room and shut the door.

Don't get me wrong I wanted to see them together but not if they were going to sneak around.

Who knows how long this could have been happening for.

Hayes was now standing next to me and I got up walking to my bed.

"Maybe she just left something here." I tried to ignore him trying to make me feel better.

"Why are you here Hayes?" I asked annoyed and he walked over to me sitting down next to me.

"My brother kicked me out so I came here and climbed onto your balcony. You left it unlock you know, that's real bad." he tried to be funny but I wasn't in any mood to laugh.

"Can I crash here tonight? You know next to you." he started to lean over me running his hand down my face.

I nodded and he started to take his shoes and socks off then his shirt.

He hopped in next to me and spooned me into his warm body.

I felt unsafe.

I thought I was in love with Hayes but I couldn't feel anything anymore.

It was like all the butterflies in my stomach had died.

"Thank you." he whispered in my ear as he kissed my shoulder.

I felt a tear roll down my face.

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