Chapter 6

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River Pov.
The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you have really wanted to kiss them for a really long time.

It's not the best feeling when you realised that it was a bet by his brother.

I locked myself in my room for the next three days crying and crying wondering how someone could be so cruel.

There was a knock at my door, "Go away!" I said aloud but they opened the door.

It was Connor.

"Hayes stopped by again." he said, coming to sit next to me on my bed.

Hayes had been constantly visiting the house ever since I turned off my phone and didn't answer his calls or texts.

"Can you please just tell me what happened?" I looked at Connor and began to talk trying to hold back the tears that had been slipping out of my eyes.

"We kissed and I kind of thought we were going to be together forever but we're not." The tears came flooding out and Connor held me tight in his arms.

"It's not fair Connor, he stole my first kiss!" I continued to cry in his arms.

"Get ready.. Andrea is coming to pick you up to go shopping for something to wear tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and laid back. "Now Riv." Connor pulled the sheets off of my bed and left.

As much as I didn't want to be doing anything I knew that tomorrow was a special day. Not for me but for the boys this was the day they adopted me and I couldn't have thanked them enough for the life they had given me.

I got up and threw on a white midriff top and with some shorts and a flower cardigan. I let my hair down and quickly applied some makeup before grabbing my phone and a pair of black shoes.

"Good to see you again." Sam laughed but I wasn't in the mood.

My phone went off and I looked to see it was a text from Andrea.

Andrea: I'm out the front waiting!

I walked outside not bothering to say goodbye to any of the boys. As I was hopping into the car I realised that there was a present bag in the passengers seat with my name on it.

I opened it and it was the dress I had been begging the boys to get me. It was a high low cut out dress and I had been in love with it ever since I saw it but it was way too expensive.

"Andrea you didn't!" I held the dress in my hands,

"Yes Hun I did. Now get in we are going shopping remember?" I looked at the dress again remembering the price.

It was over five hundred dollars.

"Andrea this is really expens-"

She cut me off, "Shut up, get in and let's go! You're wearing that dress at the party tomorrow because that is my present to you and now we are just going shopping for the fun of it! And you can tell me why you haven't been texting me for the last couple of days." I smiled and hopped into the car.

The drive to the mall was fun.

We blasted music and started singing at the top of our lungs.

I could see how Andrea always made Kian happy and I was upset they broke up but I was happy that Andrea had moved on sadly with Kian you could tell he still missed her even though he tried not to show it.

"Hold on I need to answer this text." Andrea looked down at her phone for what felt like a millisecond and all I remember next is the sound of a horn coming closer and closer.

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