Chapter 14

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Kian Pov.
I saw Hayes gripping onto Rivers hand as they walked down the stairs and she looked uncomfortable while Hayes looked happy.

The first thing I could think of was: Did Hayes take advantage of River?

No he wouldn't.

He was such a good kid.

Even though I wasn't Rivers real dad I was still her caregiver and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

I walked over to River.

"Are you okay?" I asked loudly trying to shout over the music that was playing.

All she did was nod as Hayes pulled her away.

I went to go find Nash in frustration.

I saw he was talking to Andrea outside but I didn't care.

I walked up to him and began to yell.

"What did your brother do?" Nash looked kind of relived then kind of scared.

"Did you find him? Is he okay?" I pointed over to where him and River were.

"Man I'm not trying to disrespect Hayes but if he took advantage of River then I swear!"

"Swear what?" Nash asked in a way like he wanted to pick a fight.

"Look at her Nash!" Nash did what I said and looked at her.

Nash Pov.
River looked like she was tired and had been crying.

"He wouldn't! He's a fucken good ass kid Kian!" I shouted looking back at Kian and shoving him.

"Stop it!" Andrea shouted getting between us both.

Kian walked away to River and grabbed her arm pulling her away from Hayes.

Hayes looked at him confused then looked over to me.

"Don't start anything. If we keep fighting someone is going to break and she's going to find out." I nodded at Andreas comment and looked away from Hayes into her eyes.

That moment I realised two things.

She wasn't over Kian and never would be.

And she had no idea that I was hopelessly in love with her.

"Everything okay Nash?" Andrea broke the silence and brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah just great." I forced a laugh and tried to smile.

River Pov.
"He wouldn't ever do that to me Kian! We are just friends I told you that before!"

I ran off to my room crying.

I decided that I'm not going back to the party.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I locked the door and hopped into the shower after taking off my still wet swimmers.

I fell to the bottom of the floor and curled up leaning on the wall as the water trickled onto my body.

I cried out hoping that someone would hear me but I didn't want the attention

Was this really the life of a fifteen year old girl?

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