Chapter 34

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River Pov.
I stared down at Kian's Apple computer, Apple laptop and his canon camera. They were all laying on the ground smashed.

I looked up at Kian who had blood coming from his fist.

"Like I said before. I'm quitting YouTube and no one is stopping me."

The fighting went on for another three hours until Kian had left with Andrea to go to the hospital to check out his hand.

Kian had his heart set on quitting YouTube but the rest of the boys agreed maybe it was time to end O2L.

My life was going down hill and it was all my fault.

If I didn't get Kian so angry this would have never happened.

It was 5:34am and I hadn't slept.

I stared out my balcony window waiting for sunrise.

All I could think is what would happen to me if they broke up.

Knock.. Knock..

"Come in." I called out and sat up looking at the door opening.

"Hey, how is it going?" Andrea walked in with a smile on her face but she looked so tired.

I shrugged at her and she sat next to me.

"I need to talk to you." She began as she looked at me, "I think you should move in with me for awhile.. Just until the boys figure out what is happening. They are going to talk to you soon. Kian is just freshening up and then it's house meeting."

I looked at Andrea stunned. "But I can't leave them." I spoke looking away from Andrea to my hands.

"Come down in ten minutes okay? Just think about it. Keep in mind no one has slept so they are all grumpy." Andrea walked out and I continued to think about it.

I know it wouldn't be that bad if I moved in with Andrea. I would take her spare room and I would be able to talk about girl things that I couldn't really talk to the boys about.

Then again she always has meetings, always making videos, always editing videos and always catching up with her friends. So I'll be at home by myself all the time and even if she is there I'll still feel alone.

"River!" I heard Sam calling me and I walked downstairs and sat on the couch with everyone else.

I looked to see that Kian's stuff was still scattered on the floor and no one had cleaned it up.

Kian, Jc and Andrea sat on one side of the couch while Trevor, Ricky and Connor sat on the other side while Sam sat next to me in the middle.

"First lets just get it out and say that O2L are breaking up." Connor spoke on behalf of everyone, "We all thought it was the right thing and we are doing this for ourselves and it was no ones fault. We just wanted you to know that." Connor gave me a smile and I felt a little as ease.

"We also want to say that we are all going to start doing different things. Kian and I are starting our own YouTube channel together. Jc smiled and so did Kian.

"I'm going to keep doing YouTube videos on my main channel." Connor smiled.

"I'm going to focus on my singing and do videos once in awhile." Trevor gave me a thoughtful smile putting me at ease.

"I'm going to be posting videos on my main channel and focusing on singing also." Ricky smiled with enjoyment.

"I'm going to stay on the down low and try and live a normal life. I'll post YouTube videos sometimes but I just want things back before O2L." Sam looked pleased with himself.

"While this is all happening we are all finding our own places so we want you to live with Andrea until we all have a place and then you can come live with one of us." Kian spoke.

"You expect me to choose who I want to live with?" I asked frustrated.

"We will sort it out when the time comes." Kian assured me.

"So what do you think?" Andrea held her hand out and placed it on my knee comforting me.

"I think it's for the best."

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