Chapter 16

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River Pov.
I woke up to see Hayes was gone but his top was still on the ground telling me that this morning events actually happened and I wasn't imaging it.

I looked to my side to see a note and the necklace Hayes had given me:

Found this on the ground. Im wearing mine so you should wear yours.

I put the necklace on unlocking my door and walking downstairs to see rubbish and unfinished food and drinks everywhere.

The place was a mess.

I saw Ricky and Connor were outside cleaning the backyard.

Sam was cleaning the pool.

Jc and Trevor were making a start on the kitchen.

But there was no sign of Kian.

I made my way back upstairs knocking on his bedroom door.

I walked in and saw he was still asleep.

I started to throw pillows at him so he would wake up.

Sure enough when he woke up he was pissed.

"How did you sleep?" I asked curious if he would tell me about Andrea.

"Great!" He smiled sitting up and taking a sip of his water, "Slept like a brick" he added.

My smiled wiped off of my face.

"Come help clean up." I said before walking out and slamming the door behind me.

I walked downstairs and tied my hair back as I began to clean the main lounge.

There was peanut butter sandwiches hanging from the ceiling along with someone's bra.

I laughed and started to throw all the stuff into a black rubbish bag.

I heard my phone go off and pulled it out of my pocket to see a message from Hayes.

Hayes: Sorry I left early. Jc was yelling at your door to wake you up but you wouldn't budge so I decided to get out of there before he tried breaking the door down x

P.s: I'll be over soon to hang out and get my shirt back

P.s.s: You look beautiful when you sleep

I replied laughing to myself even though I was still kind of out of it.

River: You're a dork

I put my phone away and continued to clean.

Kian soon came downstairs and began to help me clean.

"Did you talk to Andrea yesterday?" I asked but I couldn't see his reaction to my question because he was facing away from me.

"Nope, not a word." I rolled my eyes and slammed the garbage bag on the ground.

Kian jumped, he wouldn't say anything.

"Why was she here this morning Kian?"

Kian tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Tell me!" I demanded again stomping my foot on the ground.

Soon Trevor and Jc walked into see what was going on.

"Fine!" He yelled back, "Andrea stayed the night and left early this morning!"

There was a long awkward silence from Kian shouting so loud.

"Just leave me alone." Kian started to walk away but I gripped onto his hand and pulled him back.

He got mad and shoved me off, "River! Leave me alone!"

He went upstairs and didn't look back.

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