Chapter 27

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Kian Pov.
River wasn't the same.

A few weeks had passed.

She would sneak out at night and sometimes she wouldn't come back for a few days.

She started smoking.

Everything had changed.

River Pov.
"Let's go for a drive." I said to Andrea while she sat next to Kian. She nodded and hopped up grabbing her keys.

We parked up on a bridge and hopped out and began to talk.

It started to get boring and I wanted to do something fun.

"Let's take a picture!" I said.

I put my phone on the hood of her car and set it on timer.

I began taking off my top but keeping on my bra and putting my jacket back on.

"This isn't a good idea."

I rolled my eyes and waited for the timer to go off. Next second I know Andrea stood next to me waiting for the timer.

The timer went off and the picture looked awesome.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" I laughed.

I put my shirt back on and hopped back into the car.

Andrea hadn't taken her shirt off at all so she was already in the car.

"People are actually going to think we did that." Andrea looked worried.

"We did." I smiled but Andrea didn't seem happy.

"You've changed River." Andrea rolled her eyes but kept them on the road.

"You know I don't want to be called that anymore."

I felt angry.

"Drop me off at Jacks place." I spoke trying not to sound hurt.

She did and I hopped out but before closing the door I spoke.

"We all change Andrea. Don't act so innocent!" I slammed the car door and walked up to Jack who had been waiting outside for me.

We walked inside as I took off my jacket.

I saw Hayes.

I had kind of lost contact with him but I really couldn't recognise him anymore.

I had lost contact with most of the YouTubers and Viners I would use to talk to everyday.

I walked up to Jacks room.

"You still got that one" he pointed to a hickie that was on my neck I nodded.

"We kind of need to talk" he began, "I know everyone is saying this Riv-" I cut him off.

"Don't call me that."

He continued.

"I never should have told you that you weren't adopted.. It was never my place but you have changed. You were never stolen from that crash you were saved but these past few weeks I have come to realise that your innocence was stolen because of me."

"I'm not sticking around to hear this! Fuck you!" I ran downstairs out the door and took one last glance at Hayes.

I ran forever until I made it back to the boys house.

I climbed up to my balcony and packed a few stuff then jumped back down.

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