Chapter 22

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River Pov.
Ricky, Connor, Jc, Sam, Trevor and I hopped into Ricky's car.

Kian and Andrea took Andreas car.

I wasn't too happy on going to the party but I wanted everyone to think I didn't care about everything even if I did.

I was wearing a white singlet that was tucked into my pink skirt which was really short. I was wearing high heels and a black cropped denim jacket.

"Where do you get those clothes?" Jc asked me.

"Andrea." I smiled and he kind of just shrugged it off.

"I know I shouldn't bring it up but Hayes really lost the most amazing girl in the world." After Jc had said that he avoided eye contact with me for the rest of the car trip.

I knew Jc only said that so he could cheer me up.

We all knew that without a doubt Maggie was the most beautiful girl for Hayes.

I was only a friend.

I would only ever be a friend.

My phone buzzed and I received a text.

Private Number: See you tonight. I will tell you about your adoption soon my pretty face.

I froze staring at my phone until it buzzed again.

Jack J: Pull over the car when you get here before you go into the driveway and get out.

I didn't reply but I was going to do what he said.

I tried to forget about the Private Number. What did this person know that I didn't?

We were about to pull in.

"Ricky wait! Let me out here." He looked really confused.

They all did.

But they let me out and continued to drive down the driveway.

I pulled out my phone to text Jack I was here when I was grabbed by my waist giving me a shock.

I dropped my phone and turned around.

It was Jack.

I picked up my phone to see it was fully smashed.

"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you a new one!"

"It's fine." I tried to laugh it off, "Why did you want to meet up?"

"Just follow me." He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the driveway.

I threw my phone into Ricky's car through the window since they were still open when we passed his car.

We continued walking into the house and Beau came up to me giving me a hug.

I smiled and said hello to a few people. I could feel my smile fade when I saw Hayes and Maggie in each others arms. I could tell Jack noticed because he pulled me close to him while still holding my waist.

Making me feel loved.

I don't know what I felt towards Jack but I think I was starting to like it.

Hayes made eye contact with me but I ignored him.

I saw him get up and start walking towards us that's when Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

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