Chapter 31

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Hayes Pov.
I walked up stairs to go see River after all these weeks to talk to her because after seeing her today when she was with Jack I knew I missed her.

I walked down the hall to see Sam and Madison banging on Rivers bedroom door. Madison was in tears and Sam was going red.

"What's wrong?" I began to panic.

"She has my sleeping pills in there and I think she's about to do something stupid!" Sam yelled and Madison fell to the floor crying.

"River!" Madison screamed out through her cries.

I ran down the hall and down the stairs outside the front door.

I began to climb up to her balcony while everyone stared at me with confusion.

I jumped up on the balcony and forced the doors open only to see River holding the pills that Sam had been talking about.

We made eye contact but she quickly turned away and began to raise the pills to her mouth.

"River!" I screamed.

She looked at me once more then down to the necklace I had been wearing.

Before she did anything stupid I tried to push the pills out of her hand but instead of pushing the pills I pushed her.

She tripped over hitting her head on the side of her bedside table.

"River!" I shook at her but she wouldn't move.

"River please!" I heard Madison's cries and ran to the door unlocking it and letting them in before I ran towards River again.

"No!" Sam shouted out kicking at her desk forcing books and makeup to fall on the ground.

"Oh my god! River please wake up!" Madison began shaking her. "Wake up!" She screamed.

"She didn't take the pills. I pushed her before she could I just didn't know she would hit her head." I stood staring down at her.

"It's okay! She's breathing!" Madison put her ear to Rivers mouth to hear her breathing. "She's okay! You're okay River!" She hugged River tight.

"I should not have pushed her." I spoke.

"What and let her die taking those pills?!" Sam shoved at me.

"Yes. Exactly that!" I shouted into his face and he backed off.

Sam rang for an ambulance and soon they came and everyone left the party.

I watched as they loaded her into the back of the ambulance and drove off.

"Thank you. If you hadn't of thought quick and climbed up to that balcony and tried to grab the pills she would have taken all of those pills." Kian looked at me before walking away and into his car with Andrea on his way to the hospital.

Ricky panicked trying to lock the door and get into his car filled with the others to go to the hospital.

"It's okay I'll stay here and clean up for a bit. You go." I spoke and he looked at me thankfully as he handed me the house key and left.

I walked inside to the now deserted O2L house.

I started picking up empty cups and alcohol bottles and throwing them in the bin.

It wasn't that messy because everyone hadn't been here that long so it was easy to clean.

I gathered all the uneaten food and put them away into the pantry and fridge.

Eventually the outside area and pool area were clean and I knew there was one more room to clean.

Rivers room.

I walked upstairs and opened her bedroom door remembering the sight of her about to take those sleeping pills.

I ignored the feeling and began to pick up the things that Sam had knocked off Rivers desk.

I picked up her makeup and organised it back into her makeup drawer then put her home schooling books back into their place. I noticed that a picture was laying face down on her desk and I lifted up to reveal a picture of all the O2L boys and her in the middle she looked really young.

I let out a sigh and straightened it up.

I began cleaning up her bathroom and putting away the left out makeup into her makeup drawer and took out the dirty laundry out of her hamper into the laundry room.

Then I went into her wardrobe and began fixing it up. I hung up all the clothes that had been scattered on the floor and soon eventually found her secret stash of her favourite kinds of chips, chocolates and lollies. I let out a laugh and continued to clean.

You are probably wondering why I am trying to help out so much and honestly my answer would be guilt.

Not for pushing her even though I did feel bad about that but for never being there for her like I promised I would be.

I lastly fixed up the bed.

As soon as everything began to look normal I looked to see a camera on a tripod that I didn't see before.

I grabbed it and it had a bunch of words on it : Property of Kian Lawley

But why was it in Rivers room?

I turned it on and played the last video on it.

"This is my suicide note."

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