Chapter 5

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River Pov.
"Oh right, I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. I guess I'm really tired." I walked away from the man stuttering on each of my words.

I could see Hayes was still there waiting for the man to let him in. He saw me and immediately ran up to me. "What happened?" He started to look at my head to find where the bleeding was coming from.

"It's fine, it's not my blood!" Hayes then walked up to the worker who let me on and started to get really angry.

I looked at my hand realising that I was shaking.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

"Wow, sorry for giving you a fri- Oh my god! What happened to you?" It was Madsion and her boyfriend Jack G.

I hesitated to answer Madison's question, "I.. Uh, it's not my blood."

"Hun, what's going on?" Madison knew something was wrong but I couldn't say anything and I didn't know what to do.

"River lets go get you cleaned up." Hayes pulled me away from Madison and Jack and we walked into the bathrooms.

Hayes wiped the blood from my face and soon enough I looked like the same old me.

We walked out of the bathroom and in the distance I could see the same clown staring at us.

Someone grabbed me from behind and I let out a scream.

I stopped screaming when I looked behind me to see Kian and Joe Sugg laughing.

"You ass Kian!" I shouted.

I looked back to where the clown had been standing and it was gone.

Hayes and I soon walked off leaving Kian with Joe Sugg.

The fireworks were about to begin and Hayes and I were now getting in our seats on the Ferris wheel.

This was going to be the moment I remembered for ever.

My first kiss.

The cart slowly started to get to the top as the fireworks began.

"River.." Hayes spoke shyly, "I know the O2L guys have a hard time trusting me with you and they think I'm no good but I really like you."

I smiled at Hayes, "I like you too."

I looked at his sparkling blue eyes and it was only a few more seconds until the Lana firework started.

Hayes started to lean in closer as he closed his eyes shut.

I did the same.

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