Chapter 7

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River Pov.
I rolled down my window and waved to Joe, Casper, Josh and Oli who had driven next to us.

"I thought you guys left back to the UK?"

They looked at me confused, "As if we are missing your birthday! Everyone is going!" I could see Joe and Oli were vlogging while Casper was trying to keep his eyes on the road and Josh was enjoying the scenery.

The green light flashed and Andrea drove off as I said bye to the boys.

The sad part is that I knew everyone was going to be there tomorrow.

They were never really there for me, I always felt like it was just an excuse for everyone to hang out with the other YouTubers and Viners they hadn't seen in awhile. I shrugged off my thoughts as we parked the car and hopped out.

We went to every store they had and eventually got tired of carrying around all our bags with the stuff we had brought in them.

I grabbed something to eat and sat next to the water fountain.

"So why have you been ignoring me?" Andrea started off the conversation.

"I wasn't ignoring you.. I was ignoring Hayes I had to turn my phone off because it was going to blow up with how many texts he was sending me every five minutes." she didn't laugh but looked more upset for me.

"I heard about what he did but you have to see it from his point of view too.. Nash made a stupid bet with him but he said he would have done the same even if Nash didn't say anything." I couldn't believe she was giving me this talk right now.

She didn't understand how it felt!

"Can you drop me off at home now?" I asked already walking away and to the car. She followed behind as we both hopped in.

Eventually we had gotten back to the house. I got all my shopping bags out of the car and the present she had given me earlier and walked back into the house without saying goodbye to her.

I ran up to my room dropping all of my bags onto the ground then jumped onto my bed and as I started to cry.

Kian could probably hear me from his room because he was exactly opposite of me.

He walked in confused, "What did she do?" He asked. I wiped off my tears to notice my mascara was coming off too.

I ran into the bathroom and started to wash it off.

"She didn't do anything! It's Hayes! I hate him Kian!" Kian grabbed the dirty tissues away from me because I had been aggressively hurting myself while trying to clean the make up.

He held me by his hands and looked me in the eyes, "Boys are assholes the sooner you realise that the better."

Kian was right.

Why did this bother me so much?

Then I thought it over again.

Because Hayes was my first love.

"Yeah.." I spoke awkwardly as Kian left the room.

I took out the dress Andrea had brought me and hung it up so it was ready for tomorrow.

My phone lit up and it was Hayes calling.

I picked up the phone ready to tap decline but I couldn't bring myself to do that again so I answered.

"Oh my god River you answered!" He spoke frantically and I was still starstruck wondering why I had answered.

"Okay, you don't have to talk just hear me out." he took a deep breath and continued. "I know you see me as a horrible person but I'm not! Even if it wasn't a bet I still would have kissed you!" I could hear a girl laughing in the background and my heart sunk.

"I am in lov-" he was about to say it, the words I had been waiting for since the day I met him but I hung up.

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