Chapter 1

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"Watch where you're going, nerd!" I hear as I walk through the crowded hallways of North Dixon High.

I was currently making my way to science class. The gray rim of my glasses touched my cheeks and my brown hair was tossed around violently as I quickened my pace.

Seeing the door, relief flooded over me. I silently entered and made my way to the back corner, away from the throng of people.

Getting out my supplies, I sat down. It would be a couple more minutes until class officially starts. Our teacher, Mr. Folley, was at the front of the room organizing his papers and cleaning his desk. I took a glance at my science book, the green tree frog plastered on it stared back at me.

I looked around the room, over half of the students were already here. My best friend excluded.

Where the heck is she?  I thought to myself. She'd better be here, or I'll have her head.

Not really. To be honest, I'm not a fighting person. I find that violence is a stupid and senseless way to resolve conflicts. I'd rather have a nice conversation to end an argument, rather than see fists flying everywhere.

I noticed that nearly everyone was quiet as their gazes were directed to the door. There, basking in all their glory, was the school's 'it' couple, Reece Jones and Chasity Baker.

Her arm was draped over his sholder and his was wrapped lazily around her waist. Their hair was shiny and smooth, even under the iridescent lighting.

Her golden blonde hair fell in ringlets just past her torso, the hot pink shirt she wore certainly captured her tan skin perfectly. The tight leather skinny jeans were also a nice touch, paired with solid black pumps. And no one could miss the white Michael Kors purse at the crease of her folded elbow. She looked like a million bucks.

That outfit probably was. My inner voice chirped in.

I spared a glance at Reece. Typical sport guy wear, he had his tossled brown locks, a gray under armour shirt and blue jeans that were clearly brand-new.  His out-of-the-box neon green Nike's clearly stood out. Over his sholder he had his blue North Face backpack and his hand that wasn't draped on her waist held a brown leather football.

He looks absolutely stunning, even in his 'relaxation' wear.

I knew I wasn't the only girl who had a crush on him. He is the star quarterback of the football team and a total player. Any girl would be lucky if he even looked at her, me included. I heard that he is a total jerk, though. But you have got to admit, he is good to look at. He looks just like a male model, if you get him at an angle.

His green eyes flashed about the room, probably looking for a seat. He nods his head at the other side of the room and whispers something in Chasity's ear. She eagerly nodds her head, and they walk to the two empty desks.

Just then the bell rings. "Alright class! We are going to talk about," Mr. Folley stops mid-sentence for dramatic effect. "Green Chemistry!"

A mirage of groans comes from the class as he flicks on the smart-board. A powerpoint presentation comes on with green words that say Green Chemistry: The History.

One by one, Mr. Folley reads off the slides. I don't bother paying attention to him, this stuff looks pretty basic and simple.

I was wondering where my friend was. I knew she wouldn't just skip school, her perfect record wouldn't allow that, not to mention her strict parents. Something must have really happened that was so bad that she couldn't come today.

I didn't even realize that the bell had rung until students started piling at the door like nematodes. "Hold on! Hold on, you animals!"

I couldn't help but laugh as Mr. Folley picked up a broom handle and started poking it at the students crowding the door. "I need you to move back! The door won't open unless you move!" Mr. Folley's yells were just lost in the crowd.

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