Chapter 18

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Justin's P.O.V.

It was finally going to happen! I was going to kiss her!

She continued to lean in, I did as well.

Come on! Just a little further!

Our lips had to be mere centimeters apart. I breathed in. God, she smells so good.

"Abbi! Dear, your father is about home!"

A voice rings from across the street. Her mom. We both pull away at lightning fast speeds, turning away from each other. She was facing the street, I was facing the house.

I looked through the window and saw Peter. He mouthed the words, 'What happened?' And I shrugged, my arms going up in defense.

I hear her mutter something as I turn back around, "Thanks mom, I'll be over there, just give me a sec!" She yelled back at her mom.

She then turns towards me, a blush dusting her cheeks. She looks so cute.

"I guess I'll see you later, then." She says backing off the sidewalk and turning and walking to her house.

"Yeah, I guess." I mutter and wave, although she couldn't see me. A deep sigh comes out of my mouth as I turn and walk into my own house.

Peter is no longer by the window and I guess he went back to my room. My throat was feeling dry, so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, running into Cammi and Sammi.

"That was a really pretty lady." Cammi says while eating another one of the meatballs. I just nodd.

"How long have you been in love?" Sammi asks.

I nearly choke on my water. "L-love? What makes you think I'm in love, kiddo?"

He just shrugs, leaving the room.

"I think you're in love, Justie." Cammi starts. "Its the way you looked at her. Plus you almost kissed her!"

Well, that's a bit embarrassing. My whole family basically knew about the near-kiss.

I ruffle her hair, "I think you're watching too many princess movies."

"Maybe, but you're not watching what's going on around you." She says as she washes the container that the meatballs were in.

What does that mean?

I soon leave the kitchen and head upstairs. As I open my door I'm met with a glaring Peter in 'Poignant' mode. He has the glasses on and his arms are crossed. He's tapping his foot at a groundbreaking pace.

"What was that pathetic display of affection I nearly witnessed?"

I sat down on the bed. "I don't know."

"Did you want to kiss her?"

More than anything in the world. "Yes."

"What happened, then?"

I threw my body back onto the bed, throwing a pillow on my face in the process. "Her mom stopped us." It came out muffled, but I'm sure he heard it.

"Her mom?"

I nodd. "I don't think she meant to, but she just kind of interrupted us."

"Did she seem upset about the kiss not happening? Abbi, I mean."

I pulled the pillow up and glanced back at him. 'Poignant Peter' was gone and he was back to 'Placid Peter'.

"I never even looked at her. But she was blushing like crazy and she looked so adorable." I said sitting back up.

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