Chapter 27

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Riding in the back of a cop car with Justin wasn't on my list of Top Ten Most Fun Things To Do. In fact, it was in the bottom ten.

Everyone was sent into a chaotic panic when the gunshots rang out. The only people who got arrested were the ones that were in the ring. That, of course, included me, Justin, and an unconscious Reece.

You'd think that me, Abigale Howard, the honor student, would be completely calm riding in the back of a car.

I wasn't.

I was freaking out. The thing is, I had no idea why we were arrested. I mean, fighting isn't illegal, is it?

My hands shook as I held them in my lap. That was one luxury I had. Seeing as though I didn't resist arrest, and that I had no weapon, they didn't hancuff me behind my back, but only infront.

I glanced over at Justin who was looking at the houses and scenery pass by past the window. How does he look so calm? Surely he must be freaking out. At least, I am.

I notice how he has his fighting outfit on, all the way down to the face paint. Suddenly, he turns toward me and smiles, mouthing, "Okay?"

I nodd, facing the other way. Alright, I'm just going to pretend that he didn't just catch me staring at him.


"Alright, blondie, you get in this cell."

I did as the officer told me and got in the cold cell. He took Justin and put him in the one beside me. Apparently, these were called 'Holding Cells' and we just sit in here until our parents get us.

Good thing we're both younger than eighteen, or we'd be in serious trouble.

Turns out, that they had actually arrested Reece for real. Good ridance. He was eighteen, and get this, his dad owned the warehouse. He had been doing illegal fighting for years. The police just started staking out tonight, they said that when they saw one trace of violence, then they'd move in.

Turns out that I was the one that made them barge in. I did throw the first punch. And my last. My knuckles were killing me. They'd probably be bruised black and purple.

The cell itself was square, and in the back left corner was a bench. Justin's cell was like a mirrored image of mine, making it were you could sit either side by side, or back to back with the person in the other cell.

I sit down first, and he sits down beside me, making us sit side by side. The only thing that was separating our bodies from touching was the steel bars from the cell.

"Hey Justin," I start. "What was the contract that you and Reece were talking about?"

He sighs heavily, and I see the fog come out of his mouth. It really is cold in here. Why don't they turn the heating up? I mean, I'm wearing a dress for Pete's sake.

"The Montgomery's and the Jones's are two rivaling families." He starts. "The 'contract' was that I could fight there in the Jones's warehouse and keep the winnings if I never got into a fight with Reece or bothered him. Or vice versa.

Reece was the first to violate the contract. He came up to me at school the other day and demanded that we fight."

"Why would he want to fight?" I ask.

He stutters, "Uh- just, just no reason. Y-you know, stupid Reece." He lightheartedly laughs.

"Why did you need the money?" I ask, my eyes never leaving from my dirty converse infront of me.

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