Chapter 19

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The single word seemed to make all high school girls squeal with joy. Infact, what I didn't expect was to see about twenty posters up on the hallways of North Dixon High.

Each one had a different saying.

"Put in ballots for King and Queen!", or the simple "The countdown to prom is on!"

Emma. She was on the planning committee. She certainly had something to do with this.

The theme of the dance was said to be White Winter Mask which means that everyone will wear white and we will all have masquerade masks on. How cliché.

White was definitely not my color. Somehow it made my pale skin look even whiter.

I just so happen to run into Emma at my locker.

"What do you think?" She asks.

"About what?"

She rolls her eyes playfully. "About the posters! I stayed up all night making them!"

"Oh," I reply. "They look great, it's just, a White Winter dance?"

"I know! I tried to beg them to change it, but one person going against twenty isn't exactly a fair argument!" She whined.

Suddenly her eyes lit up. "Besides, I've got a surprise for you..."

"Which is?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going to pick out our dresses, so you don't have to worry!"

That eased my mind a little. I hadn't even thought about dress shopping. Besides, Emma the fashionista will know what to pick out.

I nodd. "That seems like a good idea." I tell her.


"There's an 'and'?" I ask pulling out my notebook.

She nodds violently. "I put your name in the ballot for Queen."

"You what!?" I yell throughout the hallway, earning whispers and stares.

"Yup." She said popping the 'p'. "It's just me though, so it's not like you'll win."

I relaxed my shoulders. That helped my mind a little bit more.


The bell rang a few minutes after that, and me and Emma ceased our idle chatter.

I made my way to English, taking a seat behind a smiling Justin.

Okay. That's weird. Why's he smiling like that? Not that I'm complaining, he looks adorable, but something seems off.

"You know that there's another person at this school who knows about me fighting?" He turns around and whispers to me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Who?" I ask.

"Eren Smith."

"Eren Smith? The leader of the physics club?"

He nodds. "His dad brought him Saturday to see the fight. He later agreed to keep my secret, per persuasions of 'Poignant Peter'."

I chuckle. "'Poignant Peter' does have a certain way with words."

"No kidding," he chuckles back. "Hey, I was wondering, if you didn't have anything else planned, you can sit with me and him at lunch."

I think about it. Emma would probably be helping out with Prom things, and I didn't even want to look at Reece.

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