Chapter 16

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Days have passed since I've spoken to anyone, besides Emma, of course. Rumor spreads like wildfire at my school, and soon word got out about the surprise kiss Reece gave me.

I had to carefully explain every detail to Emma, top to bottom, making sure not to leave anything out. Including Justin. I needed a second opinion about it, my emotions were running all over the place. Although I did leave out the fact that he was a fighter.

She stated that he was, and I quote, 'Jealous.' Despite my efforts, though, she wouldn't tell me why he was 'jealous'. Although, she did end up calling me a dumb blonde when I kept asking her about it. I didn't take it to heart.

I was now sitting in my room on my laptop, watching re-runs of Beyond Scared Straight. It always made me laugh whenever twelve-year-olds went in the prison acting all bad and tough and then came out crying for their mommy's.

Maybe I'm a sadistic person....

"Abigale! Would you come down here please?!" My mom shouts from downstairs.

I close my laptop and trudge down the stairs.

"Here taste this!" My mom yells at me as I enter the kitchen.

"What is it?" I ask as I take a toothpick that had a meatball on the end of it and shove it in my mouth. This tastes pretty amazing!

"It's called Hawaiian Meatballs! They have..." She went on and on about every ingredient she put in them, including the smidge of pepper that was supposed to give them, 'Remarkable flavor,' was how she put it.

I sat at the bar, looking at my mom from behind. Her short, blonde hair was in a tight little ponytail and she had a neon green apron on, which had flour coating the strings on the back of it. Did she even use flower in making these?

Suddenly, a thought came to my head. "Mom?" I asked as she turned around, "How long has the family living aross the street been there?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean the Montgomery's?" She asked taking off the apron. I nodded. "Well, they've been living there for about seventeen years, I'd say. They had moved in about a year before you were born. Say, they have a son about your age, did you know that?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah, I've met him."

"You have? He's quite the handsome boy, isn't he?" She asks, wriggling her eyebrows.

This time, I don't resist to roll my eyes. "Yeah, he's handsome all right, and smart, and nice, and attractive, and-" I stop myself right there.

It's too late, the look in her eyes says it all. She's found me out. My well put up facade, broken down because of my big mouth.

"Is that so?" She asks nonchalantly, "Oh dear, it seems that I have made too many meatballs." She fakes disappointment.

Her eyes now seemed possessed. It looks as if my words have created a monster. She carefully places each meatball into a new container, closing the lid when she is all done.

"Abigale, dearest." She says handing the container to me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Be a sweetheart and take these to the lovely family that lives across the road."

My eyes bulge. "No way! Are you insane? I'm not doing that!"

She bats her eyelashes. "Please? For your old mother, slowly rotting away from this world?" She pleaded.

"No. You're not 'slowly rotting away from this world' you're as energetic as I am."

"Flattery will get you no where, Abbi."

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