Chapter 17

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"So you're spaghetti-hair-Howard, are you?"

His voice was low and sharp. It definitely had authority behind it. I blushed at his words, looking away.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that, but yeah, I am." I tell him, admiring a Star Trek poster on Justin's wall above his bed.

"And you know about Justin's little secret, do you?" He asked while pushing up the rim of his glasses.

What the heck was this? An interrogation?

"Well, it depends on what secret you're referring to." I tell him cautiously, taking a rather brave step forward.

"The School Boy secret, obviously." He says as if it's the simplest thing in the world.

I nodd. "Yeah, I know, what about it?"

He takes a step closer, his arms were still crossed tightly "Are you planning on telling anyone, spaghetti-hair?"

I take a step closer as well, crossing my arms in the process. This dude is starting to tick me off. We were now eye-to-eye, the dark brown in his, clashing with the bright blue in my own.

"I haven't told anyone about it. I don't really plan to either, not without Justin's consent."

We contine to stare at each other for a couple of more seconds.

"She's clean." He says and walks away to get a meatball out of the plate Justin brought in.

I'm clean? What does that mean?

As if hearing my thoughts he answers. "I had to make sure that our secret was safe. I can't have a corrupt blonde running around spreading rumors like wildfire, now can I?"

Corrupt blonde? Keep on talking and I might fist fight you, myself.

"Come on, Pete! Can't you at least be a little nicer? I mean, I knew she was going to keep the secret, so why continue to be mean to her?" Justin claps him on the back, jottering 'Pete's' stance.

"I am not mean. As your manager, I expect everything to run smoothly." He glances over to me, "Without any bumps in the road."

Excuse me? Bumps in the road? Well, he certainly doesn't try to impress a girl, does he?

Impress a girl? It's funny how well him and Emma seem to match. I may have to get them together for coffee, or something.

I look over at Pete, who now has his glasses off. He looks up at me and smiles. Smiles? Is this the same guy that called me a corrupt blonde bump in the road?

He shakily holds out his hand. "I'm Peter Kyung, I'm originally from Korea."

I shake his hand, hesitantly. "...Abigale Howard, nice to meet you..."

"It's a pleasure to meet a girlfriend of Justin's."

My cheeks burn red.

"We're not going out!" Me and Justin both yell at the same time.

"Haha!" He laughs, "I know! I just wanted to see you guy's reaction. Priceless!" He says as he slumps on the freshly made bed.

I now take my time looking at his room. The walls are a slightly dark shade of blue, but not dark enough to be considered navy. The bed was black and red, and multiple posters hung on the walls. Some were fabric scrolls, others were paper in poster frames.

They were all from various movies, but one that hung above his desk in the corner read, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

Pretty good quote for the boy who fights his Saturday nights away. Saturday? Today is Saturday! He's fighting tonight?!

"So what did you think about him?" Peter asks, breaking my train of thought.

"Huh? About what?" I ask.

"About the rookie over here," he says pointing a finger at Justin, who continues stuffing his face with meatballs. "What did you think when you saw him throwing punches?"

I hesitated. What did I think?

"Well, I didn't really know it was him at first, until the match was over, but I remember thinking that it was the most spectacular thing I had ever seen. The way he threw punches and jabs, they were so quick, they were.....breathtaking."

I finished and looked up. They were both staring at me wide eyed.

This just got 99.9% more awkward.

"Well, uh," I stammered backing out of his room. "I guess I'll see you later, then."

Without another word I darted.

"Wait, Abbi!"

It was too late, I was gone. I went down the stairs and past the living room. I opened the front door, and walked outside.

Home stretch. I thought. I just have to make it across the road then I can lock myself in my room and never come out.

As I was about to take a step onto the sidewalk, a hand grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back, spinning me around.

I ended up colliding with a chest. A shirtless chest.

Alright, folks, cue the blushing.

"Hey, don't run off like that, you had me worried."

My heart fluttered. My breathing quickened. Just ask him, Abbi. My inner voice pleaded. Ask him righ-

"You know," his voice stopped my thoughts. "Peter is pretty weird."

He smiled at me. Not the kind that showed teeth, but the kind that reassured. He was trying to calm me down.

"If you didn't already figure it out, Peter has a split personality."
Split personality? That explains quite a bit.

"When he puts on the glasses, he becomes 'Poignant Peter', as in rigid and cold-shouldered. When he takes them off, he becomes 'Placid Peter', he's nicer and open minded." He explained.

"That explains a lot. He kinda had me freaked for a second, there." I half laugh.

He does the same, "Yeah, I guess I could've warned you, but that would've ruined the surprise. He's by best friend, though. He keeps me balanced."

"I can imagine." I trail off looking down. Ask him! Do it! Quit being a weenie!

"You-you have a fight tonight, don't you?" I ask shakily.

He lets out a steady sigh. "Yeah. I have one every Saturday night. Well, except for last week. My schedule got flipped around and I ended up fighting on a Friday."

"Why do you do it?" I ask.

"It brings in a ton of cash that goes toward my college fund."

Well, out the window goes the idea of a tragic backstory. He's just saving up money for college?
"Be careful." I say barely above a whisper. Before I could stop myself, more words tumble out. "I'm just worried about you. I mean, I would think getting punched would kind of hurt."

He lightly chuckles. I look up at him. He smiles down my way, "I'll be fine, trust me. I've done it before."

His hand comes up and moves my bangs out of my eyes. They would definitely need a cut, for sure.

I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. They were so green and captivating, I knew that I was staring at him, but I didn't really care.

His hand came up and cupped my cheek. He was leaning in!

Not soon after that, I found myself closing my eyes and leaning in as well.


Sorry guys! I apologize for the shorter chapter, but I promise to make it up! Because the next chapter will have......*drumrolls* Justin's Point of View! Okie my lovelies! Vote, comment, etc!


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