Chapter 22

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I was feeling extra giddy as I walked home from school today. It was now Friday, and in hours Justin would be at my house!

I say in hours because it's not 3:00 when school regularly lets out, but it's 12:30. School actually let out earlier today for a reason.

Tomato sauce squished in my heels and coffee and other liquids dripped from my long sleeved shirt. A chill went down my spine as I walked, suddenly regretting walking home wet in the freezing winter air. I'd be sick, for sure.

I manage to fish out a pickle that had landed in my bra, throwing it on the ground.

Why am I happliy walking home drenched in various liquids, two and a half hours earlier than schedule you ask?

Well, let me elaborate.

*Flashback to lunch*

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down with Justin and Peter at their usual booth.

"That red headed abomination isn't with you is she?" Peter asks, pushing his glasses up on his nose while looking around cautiously.

See? What did I tell you? Emma and Peter hate each other.

"No, she's helping with prom decorations in the gym." I answer.

Prom. Oh god! Prom is next week! Maybe Justin will ask me! I surely hope so. That would be my dream come true.

"Hey babe, I'm about to make all your dreams come true." A deep voice says from beside me.


Suddenly, I'm being pushed deeper into the booth as a body sits beside me.

I look up, startled, but it soon goes away as I see what sat beside me. Reece Fricken Jones.

I groan. "What do you want, Reece?"

"My babe, and-" he glances at Justin and Peter from across the table. "Others." He says distastefully. "I want to ask you something."

"Why don't you just leave me alone? I've had a busy week." I say shrugging him off, while biting into my burger on my plate infront of me.

"A busy week? Ha!" He laughs deeply. "What could have you so busy? Dealing with these two losers, I could see it happening. Why don't you just come hang out with the people your meant to be with? Look, you're smoking hot, so why don't you hang out with people that are up to your standards? "

I nearly choke. "Excuse you?"

He stands up and I do the same. I'm about ready to quit playing pansy and punch this dude in the nose.

"Losers? Are you calling my best friends losers?" I raise my voice at him as two more jocks come up from behind him and hand him a round cake.

He spins around, grabs the cake, and turns back to me. The cake has icing on it that reads, Prom?

"Babe, will you go to prom with me?" He holds the cake out for me to take. The whole cafeteria is silent, the only thing auditable was the collective gasps of girls around the room.

I have to hold back the urge to laugh. "Prom? What makes you think I want to go to prom with you?" My voice was raising and the cafeteria was silenced for good. "First, you push yourself onto me, secondly you insult my friends, and third-" The scent of the cake stops me from saying anything else. Peanut butter.

"I'm allergic to peanuts you narcissistic horndog." He backs away, leaving me holding the cake. If he thinks he can get out of this that easily, he's dead wrong.

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