Chapter 24

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Abbi's P.O.V.

The weekend seemed to go bye in a breeze, and I finally figured out why my emotions were all over the place Friday.

It wasn't so much as the quarrel with Reece, or the rejection from Justin. Although that had a lot to do with it.

Nope, I woke up bright and early Saturday morning to the Japanese flag on my white sheets. Yeah, you could've guessed. Bloody Mary is back, Shark Week is on t.v., Satan's Sacrificial Waterfall- I think you get my point.

The real point is that my stomach is killing me, and I really don't feel like putting up with anyone's crap today. I'm afraid that if someone upsets me, I'll either yell at them or cry. It's really a 50/50.

I yawned as I opened my locker. Did I also mention I went to sleep at 2:00 A.M. last night? And it was all to finish a paper for English, but when I went to English this morning, we had a substitute teacher and she didn't even bother taking it up.

This is the luck of Abigale Correra Howard.

I put away my English books and get out my science notebook.

Suddenly, a hand slams down on my locker, forcefully closing it.

I glare up at the person who done it, but I hardly recognized them. They were wearing sunglasses in the building. What a douche, who wears shades in the building? Wait, is that Emma?

"Come with me." She orders, grabbing me by my wrist, and dragging me down the hallway.

Pain shot through my arm as I noticed that her sharp, manicured nails dug into my skin. I looked at her back, her blonde hair in jovial ringlets.

Wait, I never noticed her hair. If this isn't Emma, then who is it?

She had a tight pair of leather jeans on, black stilettos, and a pink jacket.

Is that....?

Realization dawned on me. Before I had time to rip my arm out of her claws, she already drug me into the girls bathroom and locked herself and me inside.

"What do you want? Do you want to throw some more coffee on me?" I question her, angrily.

"Oh, back off. It was an in the moment kind of thing. Now would you shut up and let me tell you the reason why I drug you in here?" She snaps, running a hand through her hair.

I crossed my arms, waiting.

"Reece was cheating on me."

If I hadn't have been looking, I would have missed the small tear slide from under her shades.

She quickly wipes it off. "That's why I threw coffee on you yesterday. I thought you were the one that he was cheating on me with."

I nodd. I get it. She thought I was replacing her.

"Go on." I tell her, letting my crossed arms fall.

"God! Would you just give me time? I'm trying to apologize, dammit!" Her voice cracked.

My eyes widen. "W-what?"

I looked at her, her sunglasses still on, even though we were inside.

I never thought I would see it, at first I thought I was hallucinating- another tear came down her cheek, and another.

"You know?" She starts. "I don't understand you. You're so nice to me, even after those years of torment, you still try to be nice to me. Why? You didn't have to get my shoe, you could've told the principal that I doused you with coffee, why are you so good to people like me?"

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