Chapter 13

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God bless, how long is this silence going to last?

Its been about ten minutes so far since we left the house and every minute has been excruciating. Reece hasn't bothered to say anything, and quite frankly, I'm too scared to.

I glance up at him. His eyes never bothered to leave the road. Now that I look at him, he really is handsome. Every time we would pass a street light, the green in his eyes would get lighter. They almost resembled grass on a Summer day when the wind would blow.

Come to think of it, I've seen that green in someone else's eyes. I just can't picture who it wa- oh. That's right. Justin's eyes. Or eye and a half.

"Watcha staring at there, babe?" Reece startled me so much that I turned my head around so fast I heard it crack.

Gosh, getting whiplash isn't really attractive, Abbi.

"Hey," he said grabbing my hand. It was probably freezing compared to his warm one. "I really want to thank you for doing my work for me. Not many would have done that for me."

He smiles, taking his eyes off of the road just for a moment to look at me. I smile back, then look down into my lap. I hope that the darkness in the car and foundation on my face can hide the fact that I was getting redder by the second.

The ride continued some more, and he had let go of my hand soon after his little speech.

I was beginning to wonder where the heck it was Ryan lived anyway. We had taken so many turns that I'd surely get lost if I had to go back by myself. My hands quickly started getting sweaty.

Oh God, what if this is his plan? Confuse me then kill me! I bet we are going to stop in the woods, he's going pull out a gun and shoot me! Oh sweet babies, will anyone come and look for me? Will I be carried off by wolves? But what if I-

"We're here." He says as he stops the car. To my surprise we aren't in the woods.

We are actually in a pretty nice looking neighborhood. There are multiple cars parked in the driveway and down the street. Ryan's house isn't some mansion like you'd figure it would be. It's just a simple two storey house.

As we walk up to it I start to see silhouettes of people dancing in the windows. One lone couple make out in the swing on the front porch, and one guy is doubled over by the side of the house making sounds similar to that of a cat choking up a hairball.

Not even five minutes and I'm already repulsed.

We stood at the front door, the blasting music making it seem like my heart was beating to it instead of it's actual rhythm.

All of a sudden the door swings open. "Hey! Guys! Reece is here!" There stood Ryan, red solo cup in hand, staggering around.

Are people already drunk?


In some mixture of confusion and people dancing around everywhere, I lost Reece. Not sure where he went, but I'm not sure that I wanted to find him yet. In fact, I was having a grand time looking at the architecture and decoration this house has.

I noticed that the staircase railing was made of mahogany, and so were the rafters up in the ceiling. The outside may look modernized, but the inside was cabin themed and rustic. And I loved it.

Oh great Abbi, your chauffeur left you for his guy friends and now you're sitting on a barstool admiring the rafters on a house that isn't even yours. I've stooped to a new low.

I lay my head down on the bar, sulking for a moment.

"Can I get you anything to drink, pretty woman?"

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