Chapter 25

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The day of the prom had finally arrived.

Emma said that she'd be over here later to hand me my dress. I was currently sitting in the salon chair at Ginger's Salon.

I walked in and asked them if they could do my hair and makeup for prom and they immediately said yes.

As she curled another ringlet, my phone vibrated. Pulling it out, I see that I have a text from Emma.

Emma: I'll come over at about 8:30 to pick you up and give you your dress, k?

Replying with an okay, I sit my phone back down.

The dress. I hadn't even thought about it. My pale skin would look horrible in white, but I guess since the theme is a 'White Winter' dance I don't have a choice. Plus it's a masquerade dance, so I'll be wearing a white mask along with it.

I just hope that the heaters are on in the gym, I'd hate for it to be as cold as it is outside. Plus, all the girls will be wearing dresses.

My legs are going to freeze.

"All right! All done!" I snap my head up to look at myself in the mirror. My hair had thick curls that were pulled up into what I thought looked like a high pony tail. My bangs stuck out on my forehead, and the whole look seemed to work. My makeup was done very simple, mostly going with neutrals. The only thing that stood out was my bright red lipstick.

"It looks fantastic! How much do I owe you?"

Paying the woman, I walk outside back to my mom who is in the car waiting on me.

As I open the door, heavy metal blows my eardrums.

"What are you listening to?!" I yell over the music.

"What?" My mom yells back.

I quickly push the button to turn the music off.

"I said, what are you listening to?" I ask once more.

"Oh! It's Bring Me the Horizon! What do you think?" She asks excitedly.

You know, sometimes I forget that she's my mom. She acts more like my delinquent best friend

"Well, if you like it, I guess that's all that matters." I reply truthfully.

She nodds, while pulling out of the parking lot. I look at the clock on the dash of the car. 7:37 P.M.

I hadn't even realized how late it's gotten.

I have about an hour until Emma gets to my house. What could I do to pass the time? I can't take a nap, because that would mess up my hair. My room is already cleaned, so I can't do that. I could eat a tub of ice cream, but that would spoil my appetite, and I want to eat some food at prom. I hope they decorated it like I told them to.

My thoughts cut off as I see Justin's house. He was probably playing around with Cammi and Sammi. I could imagine her sitting on the couch, giggling, while her brother kept getting playfully teased by Justin.

I'm not sure what it is, but seeing guys act sweet around kids melts my heart.

My mom lays her hand on top of mine. "Are you ready for tonight?"

I shrug, "I guess so, I mean, I'm probably going to spend all night stationed by the food table, watching Emma dance the night away."

"Emma? Dancing? I'd love to see that!" My mom chuckles. We both know that Emma might have the talk and the walk down pat, but she can't dance to save her life. I think the phrase, 'Two left feet' was meant for her.

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