Chapter 5

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It was the end of the day, and all of my classes were over. What I did find odd about it was that Chasity never did stop by to torture me.

Weird, right?

I was walking home, and thank God the weather was really nice today. I rounded the corner and saw my house at the end of the street.

Woah-What?! I think that's my house! My mom and dad stand on each end of the house, brown paint brushes in their hands.

My house was beautiful now. It had a fresh coat of paint, and not to mention the newly planted shrubs and flowers that lined a stone pathway.

A brand new white picket fence lined the exterior of the yard, a gate at the end of the path next to the sidewalk.

"Holy crap!" I yell as I open the gate.

My mom turns around, she is wearing a white old shirt and brown cargo pants, her feet are slipped in a new pair of red Chacos.

"We got the money today, isn't it great?!" She exclaims, running over to embrace me in a tight hug.

"We thought we'd spiff it up a bit, you know, make it look nice." My dad chirps in, whiping his forehead on his sleeve.

He's just wearing a white t-shirt and jeans with some sneakers, nothing really special.

"It looks fantastic! I noticed you fixed the window, too!" I say, glancing at the window that used to have a large crack in it.

"Yup! You finally got your wish! We aren't poor anymore, we can afford stuff like this now!" My mom is practically jumping for joy.

"It looks great! Really, it does. Oh! I forgot, Emma is coming over around seven, is that okay?" I ask hoping for a positive answer.

"Sure! It would be nice, I haven't seen Emma since forever!" They both agree, thank the heavens.

"And since it's a Friday, she can stay over, too. That is, if she wants to." My mom continues.

"Okay, I'll ask her," I say as I walk up to the porch, into the house.

The inside doesn't look any different, and I'm surprised my mom hasn't went berserk with the paint.

I chuckle to myself and walk upstairs, taking two steps at a time. When I finally reach to top, I'm gasping for air.

Boy, I need to workout more. Or maybe we should just start by working out. Yeah, that sounds nice.

I go in my room and throw my bags down on my bed, a sudden wave of sleepiness falling over me.

I stifle out a yawn, it sucks that I can't sleep, since I have a crazy best friend coming over that is probably going to give me a plan that is going to get me in trouble.

I hear the front door close downstairs, and I'm assuming my parents have come in.

I decide that I might be able to get at least some of my homework done, so I plop down at my desk and begin on math.


Let me just say, after a couple of hours of agonizing math homework, I want to rip my hair out by the roots.

Don't get me wrong, I'm good at math, its just the fact that I'm too lazy to get finished with it. It takes me at least two hours to finish it, too.

Downstairs I hear a chime. We got a doorbell, too? Sweet!

"Abbi! Emma is here!"


I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs. As I enter the living room, I see Emma setting up a easel with multiple papers on it. Before I get to see what is on it, she drops a red sheet over the top of it.

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