Chapter 7

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What the heck?!


I don't even have an alarm clock!

Slowly I opened my eyes to be greeted with the darkness of the night. I reach over to my nightstand and grab my glasses.


What the heck is that?! I glance around the room and to my surprise Emma isn't in her sleeping bag.


What is this infuriating beeping? I just so happen to glance on the ground next to her sleeping bag. Her phone. That's what's been causing my torment all morning. Quickly, now that I know the problem, I hop out of bed and get her phone.


Ah, silence. After I switched off the alarm, the time showed on the phone screen, giving me a heart attack.

5:55 A.M.

Oh my gosh. Why am I up so early? Why is she up so early? My bathroom door suddenly opens and there stands Emma. Her hair is up in a towel and she is wearing a long sleeve orange shirt and some black leggings.

"Oh good! You're up!" She bellows.

"Why the heck am I up? Its not even six o'clock yet!"

"Fresh start on the day! We have tons of stuff to get done," she walks over and hands me the outfit she picked out last night. "So go get changed!" She pushes me into the bathroom and closes the door.

She will be the death of me, for sure.

After I'm done getting dressed and brushing my tangled brown locks, I go back into my room.

Hideous would be an understatement for this outfit. I don't know much about fashion, but I know this doesn't suit my skin tone at all.

I walk down the stairs to find Emma, with her hair fully dried, eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I gingerly grab me a bowl of it, too and begin to munch on it.

For a solid five minutes it was eerily quiet. It was just me and her. The only sound was our teeth grinding the crunchy cereal.

Until I heard a knock on the door.

"He's here!" Emma cheers through mouthfuls.

Who is here?

"Who is here, now?" I ask while finishing up my bowl and putting it in the sink.

"A surprise for you, duh!" She answers like its obvious. "Come on!"

I don't have much time to protest before I'm being dragged by my arm to the front door. She stands eagerly beside it, ready to open it.

With one hand motion the door opens to reveal an old man in a suit. He was bald, even though his mustache was a light brown. His beady, small eyes never strayed from looking directly ahead of him. In his left hand was a pair of car keys. I couldn't see his other hand because it was placed behind his back.

"Hello, Charles." Emma spoke first.

"Good morning, Ms. Emma." He spoke with a thick British accent as he nodded her way.

"There is someone I'd like for you to meet. Charles, this is Abigale, the girl I was telling you about."

"Good morning, Ms. Abigale. I shall be at your service all day."

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