Chapter 20

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It has been two weeks since the incident at lunch. My plan to get Emma and Peter together has officially backfired.

They hate each other.

It's not necessarily either of their faults, that they both can't stand each other. Emma will always start a conversation with Peter by saying a snarky comment, which, in turn causes Peter to become 'Poignant'.

I think now that every time Peter sees her, he automatically becomes Poignant. I guess it's like second nature, or an instinct for him now. I guess that means they're at least getting to know each other.

"Hey, mom! I'm home!" I say as I walk through the door.

"Hi, sweetheart! Good, I need you to do me a favor!" She says walking up to me as I lay my bags on the couch.

Oh no. Favors from mom are bad news.

"I need you to go get my container back from the Montgomery's."

What did I tell you?

I start to refuse but she hits me with the puppy-dog eyes.

"Why do you need it?" I ask.

"Well," she says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "I promised Mrs. Cooper down the road that I would fix them some of my lasagna."

I nodded for her to continue.

"I just got finished making it, and I was going to put it in a container to give to her, but my good container is gone. I then realized that I gave it to you for the meatballs. Won't you please be a dear and go get it for me?"

Would it hurt so bad if I just ran and got it? I mean the awkward moment between me and Justin is water under the bridge, so...

"Alright fine! Just quit looking at me like that!" I say as I turn around to head out the door.

Closing it behind me, I huff. I zipped up my leather jacket and tucked my hands in my pockets.
Winter was coming too soon for my liking and it was already cold. No, I think it was already winter.

I zipped across the road, taking the time to look both ways this time, and walked up to his front porch.

I knocked. No one there. I knocked again.

I had been standing out here for two minutes and fifty-four seconds, I counted, before I heard the shuffling of feet fron the other side.

"Hey, Abbi." Justin answered as he opened the door. "Do what do I owe the visit?"

He stood there, smiling, as I was partially freezing to death out in the cold. He was doing it on purpose, too.

"Can I come in?" I ask as I cup my hands and blow hot air on them.

"Sure," he answers bowing, "Right this way, my lady."

I roll my eyes playfully. Cheeky idiot.

I unzip my jacket and start to take it off when I notice his shirt.

"Why is your shirt soaking wet?" I ask playfully, hoping for a cute and flustered remark.

I receive no remark. He just stares at me.

"....It's Cammi."

"What happened? Is she okay?" I ask, fear for the little girl building up in me.

He deeply sighs. "I guess, but these girls at school keep picking on her, and I think she reached her limit this time."

Memories from my past pop up. Chasity and her group of bimbos pushing me down in the hallway, laughing at me, pouring freezing water on me. I understand what this girl is going through. I wish I could help her. Wait. I can help her.

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