Chapter 15

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The weekend went by drastically too fast. It was soon Monday and my inner me was silently crying.

I don't really blame her either.

I had bigger fish to fry right now though, I needed to get to school and talk to Justin about what happened.

The thought of seeing him made me giddy.

No way I just thought that.

I quickly get up and slide into a pair of ripped skinny jeans, pulling a band shirt over my head in the process.

I rush in the bathroom, brush my teeth and hair, and put on my makeup. It looked fairly decent.

I decide to go simple with the shoes and put on some red converse.

Making sure I have everything I need, I burst out of my door down the stairs.

"Slow down there! Where do you think you're going so fast?" My mom's voice stopped me before I even touched the door handle.

"I have to meet a friend to talk about some stuff with." I told her nonchalantly.

She walked into the living room and stood beside the kitchen door.

"What kind of friend?" She asked raising a perfect brow.

She obviously suspected something, the way she was looking at me gave it all away. It also didn't help matters that I was now blushing.

"Uh, just a regular friend. Not like a best friend, but just one I need to se-"

"Save it, Abigale." She says throwing an apple my way. I catch it and look at her suspiciously.

"You'd better eat something or you'll starve. Have fun." She says winking.

I smile. "Thanks! Bye, love you!"

I get a collection of love you's as well when I walk out of the door. I notice Justin's car isn't in his driveway anymore, and I assume that he's already at school.

I book it down the sidewalk, backpack on one shoulder, purse on the other, and apple in my mouth. I struggle to get my phone out and text Emma that I won't be needing a ride today in which she replies, 'Sure thing chika! See ya at school!' I also make sure to say hello to Mrs. Cooper down the road when I see her watering her Petunias.

I don't know how I manage it, but I make it to the building in record time. I throw away my apple core in the trash and scurry down the hallway, looking for a half-green, half-brown eyed boy.

Where's he at? He can't be that hard to spot. What if he didn't even come toda- Ah! There he is!

"So anyways, I got this new texture pack on minecraft and dude, it's amazing."

He's talking to one of his other friends. He looks chinese. Not that I'm racist or anything.

As I walk up to him I hear more of his conversation. "Is it a modern pack or the-"

"Justin Montgomery, you have some explaining to do!" I say to him as I walk up to him.

"Huh? Oh hey, Abbi!" He says as he turns around waving at me.

His smile almost made me lose my train of thought. Almost.

His friend excused himself and soon it was just me and him at his locker alone. Only a few people are scattered out in the hallway due to it being so early in the morning.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He said as he pulled a book out of his locker.

"Yes, I do. Why didn't you tell me that you were my neighbor?!" I whisper shouted at him.

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