Chapter 8

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"Holy crap."

Is that me? It can't be, she's far too pretty.

My hair, instead of the frizzy brown color, was a beautiful golden blonde. It fell just to my chest in soft ringlets. Not a single hair was out of place. The back was cut into the shape of a 'V', not one hair was the exact same length. It didn't look trashy, in fact, it made Chasity's sun blonde hair look like garbage.

I love it.

"Do you like what I did to it?" The hairdresser asks.

"Like it? I love it! The color is so original, and its so soft!" I held a peice of it in my hands. Silk. That's the only word I could think of.

"Nice! Like Abbi said, the color goes fantastic with her skin tone, and the cut is so unique!" Emma chirps from behind me.

I can't stop looking at myself. It doesn't even look like me. Wow, I'm impressed, Emma, round one goes to you.

"Will that be all for you ladies this morning?" The lady asks us as we are about to pay.

"Yes, it is. And might I just say, we are very pleased with the results." Emma answers her.

"Ah, good. Okay, let's see... The waxing, spray tan, and hair comes to a total of $112.65."

$112.65? Glob dang. That's hella expensive.

I pay for it anyway, swiping my credit card and punching in the code for it. We thank the lady and walk out back to the limo.

I couldn't help but feel a little more confident. Even though I'm still wearing hideous sweats, a part of me thinks I look actually good. And that feeling feels really good.

Once we're back in the limo and on the highway, we head to the mall for some all-round shopping.

To my surprise, the place is basically deserted. There is literally no one here. Don't all the cool kids hang out here during the weekends?

We walk to the main doors, more excitement inching it's way into my bloodstream.


The first store we go into is called 'App Tech'. The walls are lined in phone cases, and basically anything to do with a phone. Some really shiny iphones are in the display case by the counter.

I'm not really sure why we go in here at first, but it becomes clear as I see Emma looking at the new iphone 6+. Rose gold.

"We would like that one, please." Emma points to the beauty under the glass cabinet.

"This one? Rose gold?" The clerk asks.

"Yup. One of those, please."

"Are you buying you a phone, Em?" I ask her.

She replies instantly, "Nope. We are buying you one. Come on, you can't be like Chasity if you're carrying a flip phone around all day."

She has a valid point. "Okay, Miss, you've got the phone, now how about a case for it?" The clerk suggests.

"Oh! He's right! Lets look at them!" She squeals beside me.

"How about that one? Its pretty!" She exclaims as she points to a hot pink, sequined case. I shudder. No pink, please.

"I like this one," I say as I hold up a red and black case.

"Red? Well, I guess it looks okay," she almost sounded dissapointed.

We check out of the store and begin to walk deeper into the city mall, I notice a few people coming into the store now. She gives my bag to Charles and he obediently carries it.

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