Chapter 12

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It was now Friday and I somehow managed to make it through the week unscathed.

Chasity hasn't bothered to talk to me since Monday, in which I'm glad. Though my presence hasn't gone unnoticed. People have started talking about me in a positive way, I even have about 1,000 followers on my instagram. Go Abbi!

I had a stack of papers- or should I say Reece's papers in my hand. Thinking of him reminded me of tonight. I'm super excited to be going to a party.

I made my way to my locker, stuffing my books inside.

"Hey babe." I turn around to see Reece standing there, his grin big, suddenly making my day.

"Hi." Oh my lord. It finally happened. I didn't stutter! I need a medal or something!

"H-here's your work I did." Eh. Spoke too soon. Stuttering Abbi has come back.

"Ah! Great thank you Abbi! You're a lifesaver!" He grabs them, his eyes scanning over them for a brief moment before they glanced back up at me.

"Oh, uh, it was nothing really jus-" Then he did the unthinkable.

He kissed my cheek. The slightest touch, but it meant so much. Suddenly I felt like the world was spinning. My skater dress suddenly felt too short, my knees weak. I might pass out. I knew I was a ripe tomato by now.

"You alright?" He asks me. I try to compose myself, standing up a little bit taller.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine."

"You look cute when you blush." He says to me. This, in turn, makes me go even redder.

He just laughs and walks off, saying something about eight o'clock.


I'm currently in English, hoping that by now, my blush has went down.

"You got any plans for tonight, Abbi?" Justin asks as he sits down. I nodd.

"Actually, I do. Recce is picking me up to go to a party at Ryan's place. He's picking me up at eight I'm pretty sure. What about you? Having a fun Friday night?"

He hesitated before he answered, his eyes darting about the whole room.

"Uh, not much, I might have some of the guys come over. We might play some video games. B- but that's about all." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. About the same time Mrs. Chester walked in.

"Okay," I said slowly. "Sure."

What's got him all riled up? Is it something I said?

Not bothering to think about it anymore, I let my mind wander off to the world of notes and english essays.


Lunch was exceptionally slow, in fact it seemed like the entire day dragged on.

I guess that's how it worked, though. If you have something exciting planned, time seems to slow down.

I shifted nervously in Emma's car. I was waiting on her to get out of her last class, no scratch that, I was waiting on her to quit flirting with a senior.

There they came, her and Josh Mckenny. They were holding hands, walking at a snails pace. Without any hesitation, I honk the horn of her car. It startles her and him, and I get a few glares.

I assume they say goodbye because they soon part from each other. But before he leaves, he kisses her forehead. Aww. Okay, that was kinda sweet.

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