Chapter 21

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"Old lady?"

My mom stood there, shocked. "I'll have you know that I'm only in my early thirties, young man!"

"Sure, and I'm in my late twenties." Sammi rolled his eyes heading to the kitchen.

"Hey, wait a minute! Get your tail back here and apologize to Mrs. Howard!" Justin yells at Sammi who just keeps walking.

Little brat.

Justin starts to run after him but I grab his arm. "It's fine. I was just leaving." I glare at my mom.

"You two make such a cute couple! How long have you been going out?" She asks.

God, she's doing this on purpose. My mother is officially Satan's apprentice.

"We are not going out." I grit my teeth, praying that my face doesn't get any redder.

"Actually, Justin, was it?" My mom starts. "I have a feeling that I'm going to cook too much dinner Friday night, and I was wondering if you'd come help us finish it off."

I take it back. My mother is Satan himself.

He looks a little shocked my the offer. "I don't know, Mrs. Howard-"

"Call me Maria!" She interrupts him, flashing him a smile.

"Uh, yes well, Maria, I couldn't possibly take you for that offer. I don't want to impose."

"Oh nonsense! We'd love to have you, isn't that right, Abbi?"

Great. Now it all depends on me. Fantastic.

"Uh," I swallow. "Sure, we'd love to have you for dinner."

I look away. I did not want him to see me like this. I'm as red as a cherry by now.

"Then it's settled! I can't wait to see you, Justin!" She says practically skipping out the front door.

I wonder how much of that was planned?

"Oh, and one more thing, Abigale! Please don't take too long saying goodbye!" She winked. It wasn't a discrete wink either, it was one that you couldn't possibly hide, even if you tried to.

I looked back at Justin, mortified. He's not looking at me though, he's looking at my mom and making an 'okay' sign with his fingers.

She closes the door. "I am so sorry about her."

He laughs. "It's fine, really."

No, no its not. Not for me anyway.

"I don't know how you did it." He says looking at me.

"Did what?"

"You made Cammi smile, and laugh, plus you got her to take off her eyepatch. You made her confident. For that, I owe you a lot."

I'm being pulled into a tight, yet comforting hug. My arms wrap around his waist and his wrap tightly around my back. We fit perfectly together. I hug him tighter, fear that if I ever let go, I'll never get this opportunity again.

And good gracious he smells good. I have to force myself not to deeply inhale. That would be even more embarrassing.

"You're welcome." I muttered into his chest, smiling. If only my mom had took a picture of this. I need to remember this moment forever.

I guess only then had I realized how deeply I had fallen for him. But, I didn't regret it at all. He is about 120% better than Reece. Plus, he doesn't force kisses on me, but if he did, I would definitely accept.

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