Chapter 4

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We later ordered pizza last night. It tasted so good, especially since I haven't had pizza in forever.

I felt like I got the best sleep last night. It felt like a heavy weight, or maybe a burden, was lifted off of my shoulders. I couldn't wait to tell Emma, she'd be ecstatic for me, but I knew that she would most likely tell everyone, unless I told her not to.

I racked my brain for about ten minutes on the walk to school trying to figure out a way to tell her. She'd probably yell, which means I couldn't tell her inside. And she'd also want to know every single detail, so I decided to tell her on our off period outside the library.

I soon came to the school's big double doors. Pushing them open, I avoided eye contact with everyone and made my way to my first block, English II.

Our school has these 'block' schedules, which means we get five classes per day. If your super smart and academic and stuff, you get one block off. Since me and Emma were honor roll students, our off block was second.

I made my way into English and sat in the back with no one around me. Then the students started piling in, one by one, like fish.

I was reading over some notes when I heard the desk in front of me move. I looked up and saw some tossled brown hair.

Okay, definitely a guy. Not sure if good looking, but a guy. Sitting in front of me. Noticing me. Well, he didn't really notice me, but ey! He didn't sit on me, so, he must have seen me!

It kinda scared me when he all of a sudden whirled around, nearly hitting my nose with his head.

"Hi." He said to me. WHAT?! HE SAID SOMETHING TO ME!

"Uh, hey?" I say, it almost a question.

I looked at him, he had these really pretty green eyes, but in the middle of his left eye, the color changed to brown. Weird. Beautiful, but weird.

"You're looking at my eyes aren't you?" He asked.

"No!" I rushed out.

He chuckled,"It's fine," Wait, that chuckle, that voice. It sounds so familiar...

He took off his glasses, "I have this, mutation, where my eye color is split right down the middle. Its called Heterochromia." He said pointing to his eye.

"That's cool." I tell him. That's when it dawned on me. "Your the guy that helped me up yesterday!"

He nodded. "Yup. You looked like you needed help."

I nodded now.

"Justin! Turn around and pay attention!" Mrs. Chester's voice rung over the whole classroom.

He immediately spun around and apologized to the teacher.

"By the way, " he whispered to me,"My names Justin, Justin Montgomery."

"Abigale Howard. Nice to meet you." I told him.

"Same here." He said.

Wow, he was really nice. I thought. Something must be up today. He was also really good looking. I mean, no one could match Reece's charming physique, but it didn't hurt to look at him.

"Abigale Howard! Quit daydreaming and answer the question!" Crap!

"Uh, I'm afraid I can't, ma'am."I answer truthfully. She sighs really loud.

"Fine. Can anyone answer the question?"

Justin raises his hand. Oh no, what are you doin--

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