Flutterbat x Emerald dash/Applebloom x Dan (part 2)

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I don't even know anymore...
It's a mixture of the 'flutterbat x emerald dash' and the 'applebloom x dan'. So yeah, random...)

Dans pov

Ok, time to make me happy, mabey...
I was going to propos to applebloom, and if she ses yes, I'll be happy forever!
And I'm sure she's already happy, especially because she got her cutie mark.

I was walking around ponyville, looking for Applebloom,
But I bumped into somepony,"Oh, sorry!" I smiled weakly at the stallion,"It's fine, it was my fault. I was in a bit a rush to find somepony to help me, so I wasn't even looking where I was going!" He smiled,"Mabey I can help. What do you need?" I smiled happily at him.

The green Pegasus jumped up in excitement slightly,"I need to be a vampire fruit bat!" He flapped his wings to be just above the ground,"Uh..Why a bat?" I gave him a confused look,"My special somepony may or may not be a vampire fruit bat." He rubbed the back of his neck,"Alright, I'm going to guess you want to be a bat to impress her or something." I smiled,"yeah...." he blushed a little,"But, I can help." I started casting the spell to make him a vampire fruit bat.
A light surrounded him.

When it cleared the green pegasus didn't look like he used to. He now had a messy darkish green mane and tail, his ears were fluffy, his eyes were slightly red and cat like, and his wings were like a bats, and his cutie mark looked like a bat made out of a emerald.

He flew around in circles happily,"Thank you so much! How can I repay you?" He landed infront of me, I thought for a moment,"umm.. do you know enypony that can do things at a wedding? Like the music and stuff like that?" I smiled weakly at him, he put his hoof to his chin to think,"Well. I have a friend, his name is Sapphire Crystal. And he hangs out with ponys that seem like they can do stuff like that at a wedding!" He put his hoof down and smiled,"Great! My name is Dan, by the way." I smiled,"I'm Emerald dash! Or now, emerald bat." He chuckled,I nodded,"Meet me back here tomorrow to see how things are going. Ok emerald da-- bat?" I smiled,"Ok!" He flew off.

Perfect! Now I just need to find applebloom...

Emerald dashes(bats) pov

I flew over to the everfree forest and followed the path to the rocky hill, when I got there I walked into the mansion.
It seems empty thou, the lights were off and everything!
Then somepony slammed me against the wall,"Who are you? Who are you and what do you want?!" A male voice yelled, I felt a knife to my neck,"I'm--.." I started but I was cut off be somepony,"Vince, it's emerald dash!" A familiar voice said as calmly as possible,"Fine, I won't kill him." 'Vince' let me go.

The light was turned on, a male purple unicorn was right infront of me, and he held a knife to my neck, he glared at me then put the knife in his pocket and walked away.
I looked to the side, and seen my old friend, sapphire!
"Hey sapphire!" I smiled,"hi emerald dash. Umm... why do you look like a vampire fruit bat?" Sapphire walked over to me and looked at my wings,"He looks like one because he is one." A familiar black mare walked into the room.

"Oh, hi ender!.." sapphire smiled at her,"Hey." She rolled her eyes,"Now emerald bat, why are you here." She glared slightly at me,"I came here to see if you and your friends can help with dans wedding." I smiled at her,"Then why are you a vampire fruit bat?" Sapphire asked,"To make flutterbat happy, since she's a vampire fruit bat emerald dash wanted to be a bat like her to basically show her that he loves her.." Ender answered him as she turned around to leave,"How did you..." I questioned,"Do you need flutterbat to give you that answer like old times?" She chuckled, she still remembered how we met?...She left.

"Wait! You want us to be at a wedding?!" A yellow mare ran into the room,"Yeah." I answered her,"Is there going to be pizza?!" She cheered, she jumped up and down,"Mica, it's a wedding, I don't think there would be pizza at a wedding." Sapphire answered 'mica',"What?! Pizza is the greatest!" Mica whined,
A dark blue stallion walked into the room with ender beside him, he gave mica a slice of pizza,"Pizza! Thanks bunny!" Mica ate it and walked away,"I got bunny and the others to help out with the wedding." Ender looked at 'bunny',"Ok, one question." I smiled,"What?" Bunny asked,"Which one of you is the waiter?" I looked at all three of them.
Sapphire shrugged,"What do you mean 'waiter'?" Bunny gave me a confused looked,"You know, the pony that walkes around with a tray of drinks." I shrugged.

Sapphire and bunny looked at ender,she realised what they ment,"Hell na!" She huffed,"You'll look cute!!" A male yelled from a different room,"Shut up!" Ender yelled back, the male laughed,"Please ender?" Sapphire begged slightly,she sighed,"Fine. I'll do it for you..." she mumbled,"Thanks ender!" Sapphire smiled.

Bunnys pov (Shhooort!)

Me and ender walked away,"But I bet you will look cute as a waiter." I smirked,"Shut up..." ender glared at me, I chuckled...

=Time skip to tomorrow=

Dans pov

Emerald bat and I met back at the place we met yesterday,"Did you get your friends to help?" I smiled weakly at him,"Yes. I got ponys for the music, food, and everything!" He smiled,"Thanks! And the wedding is tomorrow afternoon, so I wanted to know if you'll be my best stallion." I rubbed my arm slightly,"Sure! I'll totally do that!" He cheered,"Great! See you then!" I smiled, he flew off. I looked at my cutie mark and smiled, it appeared right when applebloom said yes...

=Time skip to when dan and applebloom kiss at da wedding=

Sapphires pov

"You may kiss the bride." (Y/N) smiled, Dan and applebloom kissed and everypony stomped (clapped),sweetie belle and Scootaloo cheered,
"Now, let's party!" Pinkie pie cheered, bunny and the others got on stage and started playing (favorite song),Everypony started dancing.

Ender walked around offering ponys a drink,she seemed to hate it. I chuckled when I noticed she was balancing the tray on her head, I walked over to her,
"You do look cute as a waiter.~"
I smiled,"Shut up..." she huffed and walked away from me,"What? It's true." I followed her
she randomly stopped and put her hoof infront of me,"What?" I asked, she pointed ahead,"Looks like emerald bat is having a good time.." she chuckled, I looked ahead. Only to see flutterbat making out with him! We started laughing.

At the end of the night Dan, emerald and I were really happy. Why? Because Dan married applebloom, emerald bat made flutterbat happy. And I, well, me and vince are trying to be friends. So atleast he doesn't freak out when I call him vinncy on accident.

But other then that, things are going to be a little better...


Requested by;

Did I do good? Most likely not..

I'm out peace!)

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