Emerald bat x Ender

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Enders pov

I was on the couch, hanging upside down as usual, texting goldie.

-The texts-

Goldie: Wazzup!?

Ender: Chill da fug down bish, and... Wazzzup!

Goldie: You tell me to chill then you do the same thing, that's so nice of you!

Ender: I know right.

Goldie: But out here is boring as fuck without you, and I'm freezing my fucking ass off!

Ender: That's what you get for being on a fucking mountain.

Goldie: Well, why didn't you come with us?

Ender: Are you seriously asking me that?... -_-

Goldie: Oh yeah... Never mind! I'm a dumb ass.

Ender: yes, yes you are. But why is it boring without me?

Goldie: Because now I don't have enypony to prank with.

Ender: Ok, now I see why it's boring for you...

Goldie: But anyway, did you do anything fun? Except for gaming all day.

Ender: Yes, Emerald had a problem and I had to solve it. It was fun.

Goldie: How is solving a problem fun?

Ender: 1. I got to do paranormal activity shit. 2. I confused emerald so much without even tryin' and we watched a movie together.

1. You love horror movies to much bitch.
2. You confuse everypony. Remembre that one time when jeremister thought you were trying to sound like a that rapper just because you talked to fast for him?
3. That's my job!

1. True!
2. Yes I remembre
3. It was just a movie, and he past out near the middle of it...

Goldie: oooh! Someponys got a crush!!! XD

Ender: Fuck no bitch! We're just friends.

Goldie: sure... And speaking of crushes, sapphire seems to be checking mia out a lot.

Ender: ....Wait. Am I supposed to care?..

Goldie: XD I'm dieing right now!

Ender: Why?...

Goldie: Because,most mares would freak when their special somepony seems to like another pony. But you just sit there and ask if you should care! I'd love to know what you'd do if sapphire left you for another mare! XD

Ender: ....Still wouldn't care...

Goldie: omg I'm dieing! I got to go doe, mari wants help and vince is to fucking lazy to help.

Ender: Ok. Oh, and I have a dare for you. I dare you to call vinncy;
Vinncy boy.

Goldie: Why?

Ender: IDK, I just want to know what his reaction would be...

Goldie: Lol! Ok, bye!

Ender: bye...

-End of texts-

I put down my phone, then emerald came into the room...

Emeralds pov

I saw ender hanging upside down on the couch,"What are you doing?" I asked,"Well I was texting goldie. And what are you doing here?" Ender asked back,"I found a note from flutterbat saying things like she's jealous and she thinks I'm cheating on her..... I came here but you didn't answer the door, and the door was unlocked so, Yeah..." I answered her,"Ok den. Who did flutterbat think you were cheating on her with?" Was all ender said and took a sip of her drink that was on the table next to her,"You..." I mumbled, ender choked on her drink. I chuckled,"Why the fuck does the think that?!" Ender yelled slightly,"I don't know, mabey because I always come to you for help and I hang out with you more then I hang out with flutterbat." I shrugged,"Hey, it's her fault. She keeps hanging out with twilight and the others twentyfour-seven." Ender replied,"Yeah, I guess your right." I said and walked over to her, I sat down next to her.

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