Shadow heart x Ender

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(Shadow heart; Has dark grey skin, black hair that fades to red at the tips, his eyes are pinkish red. His cutie mark is a red heart with black flames surrounding it. Equestria girls! That's why I put skin and hair instead of coat and mane...)

Shadow hearts pov

I walked around the halls of my school, I had gym next but I didn't care about it. I don't think the teachers would care if I'm even there, so mabey I'll skip gym. I walked to my locker to put my stuff away and I grabbed my phone and my headphones so I could listen to my music instead of listening to teachers. I walked down the hall to go to the exit but on the way I bumped into someone,"Watch where your going, idiot!" I huffed and shoved the person into the lockers, the person mumbled something. I didn't hear what the person said so I walked away. After a while I decided to go to the field, gym was inside not in the field so it was fine. I spotted the person I bumped into sitting on the bleachers at the side, it looked like they were sketching or something. I ran over,"Watcha doing?" I asked, the person looked up at me, revealing that the person was wearing a mask. I guess it matches with the persons hood being up, hiding their hair. The mask kinda looked like a wither skeleton skull from minecraft. I shoved the person making them fall back, but the person caught themself,"Answer when I talk to you!" I hissed, the person ignored me and went back to drawing. I rolled my eyes and sat next to the person, but by the looks of the person it was a girl. I looked at what she was drawing, it was a weird skeleton wearing a top hat and a tux, behind it was a weird thing, it looked fluffy and it was flying but it didn't have wings... I looked up at her,"Who the hell are you drawing?" I asked, the girl didn't answer,"Not much of a talker, are you?" I asked, the girl lightly nodded,"What's your name?" I asked, I tried sounding polite, the girl flipped the page and wrote; Ender. I smiled,"Well Ender, I'm Shadow heart." I put my hand to my chest, ender lightly nodded. The bell rang,"Hey ender, what class do you have next?" I asked, ender wrote another thing; Art. "Same. Let's go there together!" I smiled and got up and held my hand out to ender, I wanted her to take it but she didn't she just got up and started to walk towards the doors to go inside,"Geez, I was just trying to be nice..." I mumbled and followed her. I noticed she had headphones on, I smirked and ripped them off from inside her hood,"What ya listening to?" I asked with a smirk, ender tried grabbing her headphones back, I held them away from her and put up my hand to push her back. Ender reached for her headphones but failed to grab them, I smirked and used the hand I was using to hold ender back to flick it up into the air, making her mask shift up and move off her mouth. I put my now free hand behind enders head and pulled her to me and kissed her on her lips, for some reason my face heated up. I let go of her and pulled back, I smirked at ender, ender fixed her mask and elbowed me in the stomach. I bent over and covered my stomach with my arm in pain,"Oww! You bitch!" I cursed under my breath, ender grabbed her headphones away from me and kept walking like nothing happened,"What's her problem?.." I mumbled then ran to catch up with her. We soon got to art class, at the end I have painted a slightly broke skull with a snack wrapped around it, And ender painted that skeleton and weird thing again but this time there was another character. It looked like a goat but it was standing up and it's body was black, it had arms and claws as well. The teacher got all the students attention,"Class, we're going to have a small friendly competition! Everyone come up and line you're paintings along the wall. Everyone is going to vote which one you think is the best. But, you can't vote for your own. Feel free to leave comments on them! The painting with the most votes wins!" The teacher smiled, and everyone did and we all voted and that stupid stuff. What I thought was sorta cute was that ender and I voted for eachothers. I got up and walked over to ender,"What kind of comments did you get?" I asked, ender looked away from me,"Oh boy, I just love the silent treatment!" I huffed and grabbed one note and I began to read it. It said; Ender, stop painting these stupid characters! No-one knows who they are! I bet they are your imaginary friends, I don't blame you if they are, you have no friends! >:p. I rolled my eyes and ripped it in half, I think their just jealous! The bell rang telling us it's break, ender got up and pushed past me then walked out of the art room,"Hey!" I yelled and ran after her, I spotted a boy with light blue skin and dark blue hair talking to ender. I snook closer to hear what he's saying,"I can't take it anymore! The secrets, the lies! I'm done!" The boy yelled and walked away, ender looked down at the ground,"Who was that? Was that your boyfriend?" I asked, ender lightly nodded,"Wait. Did.. He just break up with you?" I asked shyly, ender lightly nodded again,"Pfft, it's his lose then." I huffed and crossed my arms, ender ignored me. I sighed and grabbed her arm and I dragged her outside, ender ripped her hand away from me,"Okay listen, I get your boyfriend broke up with you for whatever reason. But, stop being a cry baby!" I hissed, ender crossed her arms. I suck at being nice... Before I could say anything else like apologize ender ran inside,"Really?!" I yelled and ran after her, I skidded to a stop when I saw ender go into the girls washroom. I know I'm perverted but I ain't going in there! Screw that... A few moments later ender came back out,"Did you seriously need to go or something?" I joked, ender punched me in my arm and put on her headphones,"Oww!" I hissed and covered the part of my arm where ender punched me in pain, that chic is stong!

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