Jade x N. mica

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Jades pov

I walked down the dirt path to the rocky hill, I haven't seen mica for a long while and I wanted to see what's up. Once I got there I walked in,"Who are you?" Somepony asked, I turned and seen a stallion with a golden coat, a golden yellow mane and true blue eyes, he was a unicorn,"I'm jade." I answered,"Where's mica?" I asked,"If your looking for her, then that explains how you found this place. But mica is in the downstairs living room." He answered me,"Thanks, uhh...." I fell silent,"Goldie." 'Goldie' finish for me, I smiled and ran downstairs. I seen three mares, two was yellow, one being a brighter yellow. The third mare was the black one I already met a while ago, but she was wearing goggles on her head and a mouth guard around her neck, I think her name is ender. I walked over to them,"Hey, have aether of you seen mica?" I asked, the bright yellow mare giggled at me,"I'm mica." The dull yellow mare smiled,"Funny. But seriously, where is she?" I repeated, the two yellow mares looked at eachother in confusion,"I thought you knew mica." Somepony said, I turned and seen Goldie,"I do." I replied,"Okay, then who's she?" Goldie pointed to the dull yellow mare,"I don't know." I shrugged,"Pffft." The dull yellow mare smiled, the bright one tried holding back a laugh. What's so funny? Goldie rolled his eyes,"You say you know mica but you obviously don't." Goldie chuckled,"I do know her!" I said,"Then how do you not know her?" The bright mare pointed to the dull one, laughing,"Because I don't know her." I shrugged,the two yellow ones looked at eachother and bursted out laughing. What's so funny?! Emerald walked in,"Oh, hey jade!" Emerald smiled,"Hey emerald." I smiled,"Emerald, you know him?" The bright yellow mare asked,"Yeah mia, Jades my friend!" Emerald smiled,"Oh yeah, emerald. Have you seen mica?" I asked,"Dude, she's beside you." Emerald smiled and pointed to the dull yellow mare, I looked at him in confusion,"No, that's not mica." I said, emerald laughed. Ender walked past me, she looked back at me and nudged her head to side, telling me to follow her. I smiled and did, goldie stepped infront of her,"Where do you think your going?" Goldie asked, ender didn't answer him, she just pushed past him and kept walking. Goldie glared at me, I shrugged and smiled nervously at him then teleported next to ender and walked beside her. Ender walked upstairs, I walked behind her. She lead me down the familiar red hallway,"Hey, ender right?" I asked, she gave me a questioning look then nodded lightly,"Okay. Ender, where are we going?" I asked, she didn't answer, she just kept walking. We walked up to the familiar white squeaky doors, ender walked behind the door,"Ender, what are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to her, she didn't answer. The white door opened and a head poked out, when the pony shined a flashlight down the red hallway ender jumped infront of him,"Aaahhh!" Alex screamed,"Ender!" He whined, ender was silent but she looked like she didn't mean to do that, like she regretted it even. I ignored it and walked in, I looked around for mica. Ender pushed past me and walked over to the other door, she opened it then shined the light and then shut the door. I got confused,"Ender, what in equestria are you doing?" I asked, ender looked at me with an annoyed look then opened the door. Mica jumped towards her, ender grabbed her by the back of the head and shoved her into the room, making mica fall to the ground,"Hey!" Mica hissed at her, ender ignored her and left. I helped mica up,"Hey mica." I smiled,"Huh? Jade!" Mica cheered and hugged me,"Ummm.." Alex mumbled,"Something wrong, Alex?" I asked,"I didn't know mica would hug anypony." Alex shrugged,"Of course I hug ponys!" Mica smiled,"Then.... Can I have a hug?" Alex asked shyly,"I only hug ponys I love." Mica said and held me closer in the hug, I blushed. Alex looked down,"Ok." He mumbled,"You can have a hug, kiddo!" Somepony cheered, I looked over and seen somepony hugging Alex,"Yay!" Alex smiled and hugged back,"Mica, do you know who that is?" I asked,"That's rainbow dash." Mica growled, I'm going to guess they don't like eachother. Mica let go of me and shoved the other mare off of Alex,"Why are you here?" Mica hissed,"It's still day!" Rainbow dash hissed back,"So?" Mica sounded annoyed,"Our deal was me and my friends chill with Alex during the day. And you and your friends chill with him at night." Rainbow explained,"Yeah, yeah, yeah. The stupid deal. Whatever!" Mica rolled her eyes,"If it's a 'whatever deal', why are you here?" Rainbow glared at mica,"It's not my fault! It was ender! Blame ender, it's her fault I'm here!" Mica yelled,"Well, if it's her fault your here. Who's fault is it for you leaving?" Rainbow said calmly, mica glared at her and walked to the right door but before she left she stopped. She turned towards us,"Rainbow, you are such a bitch." Rainbow growled when mica said that, mica looked into my eyes,"Bye jade, love you." As soon as she said that she left. It was silent for a moment, rainbow broke it,"Well Alex, I got to go. See ya later!" Rainbow smiled and flew into the closet,"Okay." Alex smiled, I got confused, she went into the closet and a closet won't lead anywhere! I walked over to the closet and opened the doors with my magic, nopony was there! I looked back Alex,"Where did she go?" I asked, Alex shrugged.

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