Princess Luna x Peridot (part 3)

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Princess Luna's pov

I was standing on top of my balcony, looking out towards the homes of many ponys. I was waiting for my love, Peridot, to return. He had told me there was something wrong with the time line and he went to fix it, but I'm not sure if he had done it, and hes been gone for days... Something hugged me, it was Peridot! "Peridot!" I smiled and hugged him back, we pulled off of eachother,"Have you fixed the time line? What was the cause of it? What happened?" I asked, I was very worried,"Calm down, Luna. The reason was my friend thought if nopony knew about her existence then they'll be happier, but it ended up making a terrible present. But don't worry, I stopped her an all, but she left for awhile..." Peridot answered, I sighed in relief,"That's good to hear." I smiled at him,"I might have something else, that might be good, to say." Peridot replied,"And what's that?" I asked, Peridot knelt down slightly, holding out a small beautiful night blue colored box up with his magic,"Luna, will you...." Peridot began, he opened the box with his magic, revealing a beautiful ring,"Marry me?" Peridot finished, he had a weak smile on his face as he waited for my answer, I teared up from happiness, I hugged Peridot tightly,"Yes! A hundred times Yes!" I cheered, Peridot chuckled and hugged me back. I'm going to marry Peridot! Oh, I'm going to die! I hope Rarity is okay with making me a wedding dress on such short notice...

=Tiny time skip....=
(Still Luna's pov and she's at Rarity's boutique...)

"Why I'm very happy for you but you must calm down, darling! We don't want you to be so stressed!" Rarity smiled at me as she sowed another part of the dress,"But I want everything to be perfect! I don't want to make Peridot disappointed!" I protested,"Oh, darling, we've probably all been there! But you don't need to worry, I bet he wouldn't care how you look because he'll think you're beautiful no matter what you wear." Rarity comforted me,"Thanks, Rarity." I smiled at her. It didn't take long for Rarity to finish the dress, it was beautiful! It had different layers of white fabric while on each layer there was a different shade of blue as a border. I gasped,"It's lovely!" I awed,"I'm glad you like it, darling." Rarity smiled....

=Time skip to da day of da wedding and after the kiss because everything before is boring!...=

Peridot's pov

Everypony stomped and cheered for Luna and I, Pinkie pie jumped into a dj stand and pulled Dj pon3 out of nowhere and she started playing really cool music. Everypony seemed into it and everypony started dancing, Luna and I stood by and watched everypony dance, it was quite amusing. Then my friend Emerald bat walked over to us,"Hey, congratulations, you two. I'm happy for you guys." Emerald bat smiled,"Thanks, Emerald bat." I smiled back, Luna smiled as well. A little filly with a light green coat, red eyes, and a green and pink mane ran over,"Dad! I can't find mom!" The filly whined,"We'll look for her together, okay?" Emerald bat asked her as he picked her up,"Okay." She smiled at Emerald bat,"Did she call you 'dad'?" I asked,"Yup. This is Mary, my daughter." Emerald bat answered,"Well Mary looks adorable." Luna smiled, Mary said nothing,"What do you say?" Emerald bat asked Mary,"Thank you..."Mary whispered shyly,"It looks like she got her shyness from her mother." I chuckled,"Yes, but I can't see much that she got from me." Emerald bat replied, Mary lightly tapped him on the head,"Lets find mom!" She whined,"I think I could see something." I teased, Emerald bat laughed,"Anyway, I should help Mary find Flutterbat. See ya, guys." Emerald bat smiled and walked away,"See ya." I replied,"His daughter looks really cute." Luna commented,"Yeah." I said calmly, Luna kissed me on my cheek,"I can't wait to have one ourselves.~" Luna whispered in my ear, I blushed deeply...

Requested by;

I'm sorry, Peridot! XD

I'm out, peace!)

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