Notches On His Bed

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I woke to the smell of lust and the arm of last night's conquest draped over my bare chest.  I turned and saw the ruffled blond hair, trying to remember her name.  Abigail.... Amy.... Amanda that's it.  I smiled in triumph and reached over my mattress staring at the notches in the side of the wood.  I pulled my pocket knife from the bedside table ever so quietly gently cutting a matching notch as the rest of them.  I wonder how girls never noticed them before, there were dozens upon dozens surrounding my bed.  

"Mmmm, baby are you up," I turned slightly staring at Amanda.  For any other guy she would probably be a great catch and they would snatch her up, but for someone playing this game all she would ever be is a pawn and I the king.  

"Yeah, did you sleep well?"  I asked trying to make conversation before she was going to be kicked out.

"Perfectly.  You really know what you are doing in the sack, you want to have a round two?"  She asked in a purring manner that made my ear cry in protest.  She ran a perfectly manicured finger down my chest before I grabbed her wrist gently.  

"No you really need to leave," I spoke harshly, making her seductive smile turn into a hurt frown.  She stood up giving me the cold shoulder, which I was all happy about.  This was the worst part about the game, the awkwardness the next morning.  

"Well I guess I'll see you around?  I'll leave my number on the counter for you."  She smiled and leaned over to give me a quick kiss.  "Bye Eli, last night was great.  We should do it again sometime."  I smiled and looked at her.

"Yeah Amanda, I'll give you a call."  She stopped mid walk and turned with a furious expression.  

"My name is Vicky you dick," she slapped me hard across the cheek and stormed off, her heels echoing through the hallway.  I shrugged, rubbing my red cheek as I stood from the bed.  Today was going to be a great day, I could already tell.


"Hey Eli, your late."  My best friend James said as I walked through the office building.  I smiled and pat him on the back.

"I'm your boss, I'm pretty sure I can be late if I want to be," he turned and finally saw the hand print on my face.  

"I'm just going to take a wild guess and say one of the pawns did that to you?"  I laughed and walked to my office, hearing his footsteps following behind me.  I sat down at my desk, turning on the computer, and threw my feet on top of the wood.

"I got her name wrong.  I could have sworn it was Amanda," he laughed and sat down in front of my desk shaking his head at me.  

"Let me guess, it was something like Amy?"  I glared at him, right before my phone started ringing.  I looked at the caller id to see my fathers name flashing.  I pointed towards the door as I picked up the phone.  He obviously didn't get the hint as he sat there smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Hello," I answered, trying to make my voice sound stronger than what it was.  I knew what this was about and I had been dreading the call for almost a week now.

"Son, let me ask you one question.  Did you think losing our biggest client was the best idea?  Because let me tell you something, he was a huge reason this business hasn't gone bankrupt because of your ass!  Now I don't want to hear one of your stupid explanations for happened between the two of y'all at the meeting in New York last week, but I want your stupid ass to fix it before I have to take the CEO position away from you."  I looked at my friend in mock horror as it was finally my turn to talk.

"Dad, I understand that you are mad about this.  But from the meeting I went to I learned something about that man, he isn't just dealing with us.  He's going to Jenks as well to bribe against us.  I did this for the sake of the company so that Jenks didn't bring us down to the ground.  That's well Fargs wanted, for Jenks to bring you down and get every penny he ever put into this business back.  You gave me this position knowing that I would do what is right for the company and that is what I am doing.  Now if you excuse me I have a meeting with a hopeful client who will possibly take his place, I will see you at dinner on Saturday."  I hung up the phone feeling proud of myself as I looked at James.  

Notches On His Bed(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now