Chapter 24

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Eli's POV

I sighed as I looked at my phone once again.  I had been checking it for the past hour every five minutes.  The funeral had ended about two hours ago and I knew the viewing was going to be another hour so I should have received some sort of call from Elisabeth by now.  I paced my room trying to get my mind off the worry I was feeling in the bottom of my stomach but I couldn't help it. 

Ring. RIng. Ring.

I jumped at the sound of my phone and dived towards it's resting spot on my bed.  I flipped it open, without even checking the collar ID.  "Elisabeth?"  I asked rushed.

"Eli it's your father.  My friend found Abby and she's here with me.  I need you to come over right now."  I felt like my heart stopped at his words.  He had found Abby?  I hung up the phone as fast as I could and scrambled out of my room.  I grabbed the keys to the truck that James was letting me borrow and ran out of the house.  I jumped into the truck and drove as fast as I could to my fathers house.


I pulled into the driveway of my fathers mansion in under an hour, how I made it here without getting pulled over I have no clue.  I ran up to the door and knocked as hard as I could.  I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve.  I was about to get the best present in the world, seeing Abby's beautiful face again. 

I had called Elisabeth a total of twenty seven times on the drive over here but she never answered.  I waited for about three minutes before I realized Jenks was not going to open the door.  I dug the spare key out of the flower pot sitting on the window sill and let myself in. 

I walked down the hallway towards the dining room where I could hear voices.  I smiled as I opened the door only to have my smile fade as I took in the sight.  Abby was duck taped to a chair and sitting beside her in the exact same position was the love of my life.  I looked around the room and saw my father sitting at the head of the table and three guys standing around him.

"What the hell is going on here?"  I asked as I walked over to my father with pure rage racing through my veins.  Before I was able to make it to him someone grabbed me from behind and shoved me into a chair.  Elisabeth looked at me, begging with her eyes for me to not cause any trouble.  I sighed and complied as the guy wrapped duct tape around me, securing my position in the chair.  As the guy began walking towards my father I could feel the anger inside of me boiling.  What the fuck is Nathan doing here?

"Well Eli thank you for joining us."  I scowled at my father and he shook his head.  "Well as I was saying before my horrible excuse of a son interrupted me, Elisabeth you have made things quite difficult for my company and my vice president."  She looked at him with a blank expression and I smiled.  That was my girl.

"Thank you Bill.  That means a lot to hear," she smirked and he sighed as he nodded towards the guy on his right.  The man began walking towards her and all I could see was red.

"Don't you fucking touch her!"  I yelled and he stopped at her chair as he stared at me with humor.

"And what is a pathetic waste of space like yourself going to do about it?"  He smiled as he punched her in the face.  She let out a whimper as Abby screamed and I yelled out in fury.  He walked back towards my father, if I could even call him that, and nodded.

"Now will there be any more interruptions?"  He asked and after we all sat there silently he smiled.  "Very good.  Now Elisabeth we did give you the chance to leave and what did you decide to do?"  He looked at her and she shrugged, wincing slightly at the pain in her face I would imagine.  "You decide to confide in my son and plan your parents funeral.  Do you know what position that puts me in?"  She shook her head no and I closed my eyes, trying to calm my rage before I yelled out again.  "Well this puts me in the position I really did not want to deal with.  Because not only do I have to get rid of you and your daughter, I have to get rid of my son as well."  I stopped and looked at him shocked.  He was going to fucking kill his only child?  "Now Nathan I know you would like to do the honors with my son so I will save that for after Abby.  But first Felix I need you to take care of that beautiful girl." 

"Fuck you!"  Elisabeth yelled as Abby began crying.  The man, Felix, walked towards Abby and I could only watch in horror.  "Felix you don't have to fucking do this.  I have money, please don't fucking touch her."  She pleaded through her cries.  I closed my eyes as I saw Felix raise his gun.

"Now Elisabeth I want you to watch as the two people you care most about in the world are killed.  And then Nathan has a special treat in how he wants to finish you off."  I heard my father say as Nathan began chuckling.  Abby's cries got louder as the cock of the gun was heard throughout the room. 

"Drop your weapon!"  I opened my eyes to see Jenks holding a gun at Felix and wearing a badge on around his neck.  What the fuck?

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