Chapter 12

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Elisabeth's POV

"I really don't understand why we had to come to this store to find me a dress," I moaned as I followed Miranda around the store.  I had a total of eight dresses I had to try on and I was more than certain that all of them would make me look like a street corner whore.  She smiled at me as she began searching through an isle until she found a light blue dress.  It was longer than the other dresses and actually had shoulder straps. 

"And here is one dress that might actually pass in your book."  I shook my head laughing at her as she threw it on to the pile of dresses in my arms.  "Well come on, theses dresses are not going to try themselves on!"  I groaned and followed her to the dressing rooms.  I was really not looking forward to trying on any of these dresses.  As I made my way into a fitting room I searched through all the dresses to find the most horrid one so I could get it over with.  The dress I chose was a short black dress with no straps and barely covered the bottom of my ass. 

"Miranda, I'm sorry but this really isn't going to work."  I said as I opened the door and before I knew what was going on she took a picture of me.  I glared at her and she smiled, waving slightly at me. 

"There is going to be a time that I'm going to need that picture to use against you sweetheart."  I rolled my eyes and went into the dressing room to try on the other dresses.  After what felt like hours I was left with the light blue dress.  I carefully put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.  The dress hung to all my curves in just the right way.  It went down to my knees and the top of the dress gave my, already huge, boobs even more push.  In my mind I looked okay, better than what the other dresses had me looking.  I opened the door and cleared my throat to get her attention away from her phone.

"This is a much better dress than the other ones," I said and she smiled proudly at me.

"That is the dress!  You look fucking amazing in it!  You are buying this dress Liz, of I swear I will send that picture to your parents and tell them I found you on a corner!"  I stared at her shocked and she smiled innocently at me.  This girl was good and that is why she was such a close friend of mine. 

"Okay, I'll get the dress."  She smiled and I went back to change.  As we walked out of the store after I purchased the to expensive dress I turned and looked at Miranda, "delete that picture."  I said sternly and she pouted at me.

"Come on, do I have too?"  I crossed my arms and she sighed, showing me her phone as she deleted the picture.  "There are you happy now?"  I nodded and she smiled at me.  "Now come on let's go get some food, I am starving!"  I laughed at her as she practically dragged me to the food court.  Our mall was an okay size.  It was two stories, I never went to the second floor.  That was for all the children.  As we stood in line our favorite pizza place I looked around at all the young couples.  They all looked completely in love with one another.  I smiled to myself, but that smile quickly fell as my eyes looked at a man I never thought I'd see again.

"Miranda, I'll be right back."  I said to my friend, not really hearing her response as I walked up to the man with a smirk on his face.

"Well long time no see, you look so different Elisabeth."  I looked at the man before me and was only able to notice one thing.  His eyes, I had seen those eyes everyday for the past six years.

"Well it has been a long time and I have so much to tell you," I smiled innocently at him as I took out my phone showing him a picture.  "You see that little girl there, her name is Abby and she just so happens to be your daughter."  He looked at me in shock and then threw his head back to laugh. 

"I don't have time for this you pathetic whore, go and tell some other one night stand that they have a child."  He turned  to walk off and I grabbed his arm.  He turned to me and smacked me across the face.  The people around us stood up rushing to me.  "I told you to leave me alone you dumb bitch!"  He walked off and out of the mall as some man looked to see if I was okay.

"Back in my day we never hit a lady," I smiled at the elderly and he touched my face gently.  "You better put some ice on that sweetheart, it's going to leave a nasty bruise."  I nodded and walked off to where Miranda still stood on her phone.  As she looked up she saw my already bruising face and gasped.

"What the hell happened you were gone for like five minutes," I shook my head not wanting to talk about it and excused myself so I could go home.  I drove the twenty minutes to my house trying not to cry as I replayed his words.  I never thought he would react like that when I actually got the chance to tell him.  I figured he'd be mad but not enough to smack me. 

As I pulled up into my driveway I noticed my mothers car was absent but had been replaced by Eli's black car.  I hurried into my house and looked around for any sign of him.  I quickly heard giggling and walked into Abby's room.  Eli sat on her bed with all of her barbies and was playing a game of house with her.  "No Eli, Ken has to marry barbie!  He can't hate her,"  He stuck his tongue out at her and then turned and noticed me.  Abby's gaze followed his and her eyes lit up.  "MOMMY!"  I walked over to her and smiled as I kissed her cheek. 

"Hey baby girl, having fun?"  I asked and she nodded her head vigorously. 

"Eli's been playing with me all aftewnoon!"  I smiled as her speech problem hit and I looked over at Eli.  He was staring at my cheek and I gave him a look that spoke later. 

"Really baby?  That's great!  But it's way past your bedtime," she gave me a sad look and I shook my head.  "Nope not going to work this time, I let you stay up late last night."  She closed her eyes and tossed her barbies on the ground.  I rolled my eyes as Eli stood up and gave her a kiss goodnight. 

"Mommy?"  Abby spoke as I reached to turn of the lights.

"Yes sweetheart?"  I answered, walking back over to her and sitting at her bed.

"Can Eli come over tomorrow too?"  I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"We'll see baby okay?"  She smiled and laid down in bed.  I closed the door behind me and saw a smirk playing on Eli's lips.  "Hold on there partner I never said you could come over, hell I don't even know why you were here in the first place."  I said as I walked to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

"I wanted to make sure Abby was okay and when I got here your mom was freaking out because one of her friends was having a crisis so I promised to stay till you got home.  I didn't realize it would be this late," I looked over at him and smiled. 

"Well thank you, that was nice.  Abby really enjoyed that, with my busy life she hardly even gets time to play while on bed rest."  He sat at the counter and nodded his head.  As I finished making my sandwich I sat opposite of him and saw his curious glance.  "I saw Abby's father today at the mall while I was dress shopping.  I knew it was him, he hasn't changed at all over six years."  I looked at him, giving my full attention.

"Okay well that doesn't explain the giant bruise on your cheek Elisabeth," he spoke sternly and he reminded me of my father.  His tone was calm yet protective.

"I told him about Abby, I figured he would be mad but I didn't realize he would take it that far."  I closed my eyes to hold back the tears and finally looked back at Eli.  "He called me a whore and smacked me."  I watched as Eli tensed and he clenched his fist together.  "Don't worry about it though, I wasn't planning on making him a big part of my life anyways.  I just thought I'd inform him, but I never have to see him again so I'm good." 

He looked at me with longing in his eyes as he brushed his hand against my bruise gently.  "I'm sorry he did that, no man has any right to lay their hands on a women."  I smiled and felt my head lean into his hand.  He slowly leaned in going for a kiss and that was when I came back to reality.  I sat up straighter and he pulled away looking confused. 

"It's late you should probably leave," he looked at me for a moment and smiled.

"Yeah I should, I'll see you tomorrow for the wedding."  I nodded and watched as he walked away, leaving with a part of my heart.  What was I getting myself into?

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