Chapter 14

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Elisabeth's POV

It's been one week since the encounter with Nathan at the wedding.  I haven't seen Eli since he brought me to my parents house that night and I was really starting to miss him.  Of course it was my fault, he had called me the next day to see how I was doing and I told him never to make contact with me again.  I couldn't be friends with a man like him, he text me everyday sending me good morning text, have a great afternoon texts, and give a Abby a kiss for me goodnight text.  It felt weird that he was trying so hard, but I figured it was just because he felt sorry for me. 

"Mommy?  Wewe you listening?"  She asked with her speech problem and I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry hunny, what is wrong?"  She walked over to where I sat on my bed and her eyes lit up.

"Eli is hewe!"  She said loudly and my eyes widened.  What the hell is he doing here?  I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror.  Luckily I wasn't completely in my pajamas.  I wore loose sweats and a tank top that gave my figure and extra oomph.  I walked out of my room and down the hall to see Eli sitting nervously on the couch.  He looked up at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Eli what are you..." he brought his hands up to silence me and I looked at him irritated.

"Elisabeth I know you said you don't to be around a guy like me, but hear me out okay?"  He stood up and looked at me, as if waiting for me to come up with a smart ass remark.  When I crossed my arms and looked at him he gave me an award winning smile.  "I want you to come meet the person that got me into this lifestyle.  And when we get done if you still want nothing to do with me I'll leave and be out of your hair for good."  I searched his face, trying to find any trace of a trap and when I found none I shrugged.

"Fine but we need to drop Abby off at my parents house first."  He nodded and picked up Abby. 

"I'm going to steal your mom for a little bit okay?"  She whispered something in his ear and he laughed as he moved his head up and down as a yes.  She turned and looked at me giggling.  We walked out of the house and to his car.  I could help but feel a little nervous, I obviously didn't have the best of luck when it came to his friends.  I wasn't looking forward to meeting this guy, he was worse than Eli is, he invented the game.

The car ride to my parents house was quiet on my part, but Abby and Eli kept a conversation about who is better, BATMAN or SUPERMAN.  "Eli, don't be dumb, BATMAN wules."  I smiled and looked at Eli.  He was laughing and shook his head.

"Nope SUPERMAN is amazing you little monster!"  She giggled at her nickname and I smiled.  He really was good with her and I'm glad she liked him so much.  The fight kept on for another ten minutes until we pulled into the drive way.  Abby didn't even say good bye as she ran up to the front door and ran in.  I smiled as I watched her, barely feeling Eli's hand covering my own.  "Are you sure you are okay with doing this?"  He asked and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Eli if you want me to do this then I will, but I don't want you to be hurt if I say I still want nothing to do with you." He nodded and pulled out of the driveway.  I didn't realize how nervous I was to meet this person until I felt the knots in my stomach.  I looked over at Eli to see his face just as nervous as mine.  Oh that didn't help my stomach at all.  After about twenty more minutes of driving we started slow down.  I looked around to see the cemetery and looked at him confused.  He pulled in a drove to the end of the lot where there wasn't as many tombstones.  As he turned the car off he turned and looked at me.

"I've never brought anyone here before," I smiled nervously at him as he got out of the car.  I followed suit and he took my hand walking me towards the very last tombstone.  He stopped just in front of it and I read the small letters. 'Erika Turner, beloved daughter and sister.  Taken to fast.'  I looked up at Eli to see him smiling slightly. 

"Who is she Eli?"  I asked, my voice sounding stronger than usual.  He sat down on the grass and pulled me into his lap.  His arms wrapped protectively around me and he put his chin on my shoulder. 

"This is Erika, she's the one who got me into the game.  When I was 17 we were happily in love, she was my first everything.  We loved each other like there was nothing else in the world, but one day her parents decided they wanted to move so she told me we would play the notches on the bed game."  He took a deep breath to I guess regain his control over his emotions.  "She made up all the rules, at first I was a little stand offish but she told me this was so we wouldn't get attached to anyone else.  So we played the game and a year later when she turned 18 she decided to come back to me.  I was so excited and then I got the phone call."  I felt his breathing get a little shallow and I placed my hands on his arms trying to calm him down.  "Two hours away from my house she was killed in a car accident, since then I've continued to play the game because I thought by some miracle she would come back.  I know it's stupid but I'm glad I continued to play it, because I met you.  Elisabeth throughout the time I've met you, I've been pissed the hell off, met your amazing daughter, and got to know the real you.  And I was trying to hide my feelings but at the wedding I finally realized something."  He turned me in his lap so I was looking straight into his eyes, "I'm in love with you Elisabeth." 

I looked at him shocked as I heard what he said, he was in love with me?  Like the same way I was in love with him?  "Eli, I don't know what to say."  He shook his head and kissed me gently.

"Say you will be mine," I looked up in his eyes and could finally see what he felt for me.  He was completely in love with me and I knew he was going to make me happy.

"Yes I'll be yours," his smile spread from one ear to the other as he pulled me tightly to him.  I smiled as I looked back at Erika's tombstone.  "She must have been truly amazing to get you," I said softly and he chuckled slightly.

"No I was lucky, I was a nobody back then and she was the popular girl.  We had grown up together so were real close and one day we just fell for each other.  Oh you would have loved her, hell everyone loved her."  I smiled and stood up. 

"Well I'm sorry I never got to meet her," he stood up and took my hand in his.  After a long moment of him staring at the tomb he started walking off with me.  We walked back to the car and I thought I would burst from happiness.  God I loved this man, and I never wanted to lose him.

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