Chapter 6

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Eli's POV

I walked into my office feeling rejuvenated from my rest the night before.  For the first time in a while I haven't had bad dreams about Erika.  I sat down at my desk, turning on my computer as James walked in.  He looked like he had something on his mind and as I gave him a quizzical look he smiled nonchalantly at me.  "So how was the dinner last night with Miss Portman?"  He asked as he sat down.  I mean seriously he was in my office doing nothing more than he was actually in his own cubical. 

"We have a meeting at five today with her and a consultant, I'll need to you accompany me as our slogan manager."  I said business like as he raised an eyebrow at me.  I sighed and set down the papers I was trying to go over as I looked at him.  "What is it James?"  I asked and he looked at me nervous. 

"Okay dude you know I love the playing the game and all, and apparently I'm really good at it."  He smiled proudly at me and I chuckled to myself at his modesty.  Hint the sarcasm.  "But what if I stopped playing?  What if I broke the rules?"  He asked and I looked at him.

"What the hell did you do?"  I asked my rage boiling to the top.  He winced at my tone and took out his phone showing me a picture of a cute small women with long brown hair. 

"She was a pawn of mine a few months back, well when we woke up from that night we started talking and we hung out a lot.  I told her about the game and Eli she was okay with my life style.  We started getting closer and I found myself unable to sleep with anyone else because I was thinking about her."  His eyes lit up as he talked about her and I shook my head.

"You didn't," I spoke loudly and he nodded his head. 

"We are getting married, I proposed to her a month back.  I want you to be my best man."  I looked at him and saw the love in his eyes as his mind wondered off towards his life with her.  I realized I would never have that, there was only one women I would ever want to be with and I was still waiting to wake up from this nightmare to her in my arms. 

"Cameron, I'm not very happy that you broke the rules but I can see how much you love the girl."  He looked at me with a mix of fear and happiness.  "So yes I'll be the best man," he smiled and stood up.

"Thanks man, tonight let's all go out so I can tell the rest of the guys.  Eli I wish you could have this feeling," he said as he walked out of my office leaving me to my thoughts.  He had no idea how much I wanted that feeling, but I knew I would never be able to have it.  The guys had no idea about Erika, hell no one had a clue about Erika and I liked it that way.

As the hours flew by I had barely gotten any work done through my mind racing through all my memories I had with Erika.  God I missed her.  "Mr. Rickson, it's five and Miss Portman and a Miss Hayling are here for a meeting with you.  I sent them to the conference room.  Mr. Lowser is already in there, they are just waiting on you."  I looked up at Shelia and nodded as she walked out.  I stood up stretching my muscles and walked down the hall to the conference room.  I walked inside the room to who I presume is Miss Hayling hugging James. 

"I'm so happy for the both of you and to think if it wasn't for the fact that we hooked up you never would have met her."  She released him and I looked at both of them confused.  "Oh I'm sorry you must be Mr. Rickson, Elisabeth has told me so many things about you."  She smiled and I looked to Elisabeth who had her hair down and her hands running through them as she looked through the papers spread out in front of her.  I cleared my throat and she looked up at me flashing a tiresome smile.

"Well if you don't mind I'd like to go ahead and get started," I said as I took a seat next to Elisabeth.  She tensed slightly at my presence but continued to do her work.  I looked towards James and Miss Hayling and smiled.  "Alright we need you to to come up with a presentation that will make my investor in Chine want the company as much as we want them too."  I said and Elisabeth looked at her consultant with an apologetic smile. 

"Miranda, I'm sorry I know I promised you no more presentations but you are the best we have and I can't imagine trusting anyone else with this project," she looked at James and smiled.  "I know the both of you will make an amazing presentation and I can not wait to be able to go over it."  They smiled at the compliment and went to work.  How did she do that?  Most of the time I would have to force my workers with their jobs in order to get them to work. 

"Elisabeth, would you mind sharing your paper work with me," I asked as I placed my hand on her thigh.  She tensed and looked over at me mouthing 'remove your hand'.  I smiled to myself as I placed my hands on top of the table and she began showing me some of the paperwork.  I couldn't concentrate on a thing she was saying because her lovely lavender scent was stuck in my nose.  Hours flew by and Miranda stood up pulling James to his feet. 

"We are going to go get something to drink since it seems we are going to be here a while, would y'all like anything," I shook my head before going back to the paper work as Elisabeth told them the type of coffee she wanted.  As the shut the door behind them I placed my hand under her skirt teasing her inner thighs slightly to open them.  She gasped and looked at me shocked. 

"What are you doing?"  She asked her voice breaking slightly.  I smiled and pried her legs open quickly going to work.  She bit her lip to hide her moans and she looked sexy as hell.  I kept my fingers busy as her hand quickly found the bulge in my dress pants.  She began to work on me as I worked on her, I let groans slip out every so often.  Just as I was about to throw her on the table and fuck her senseless her phone went off.  She pulled her hand away from me as if waking up from a dream and pushed my hand away from her.  I sulked in my chair as she answered the call.  "Hi mom, how is everything go...." Her hand that hadn't been playing with Eli junior went to her mouth.  "Is everything alright...  Okay okay I'm leaving right now, what room is she in..... 406, mom that's where she was last time.... Please tell me it's not...." I saw a tear slip out of her eyes as she stood up and gathered her paper work.  "Okay I'm on my way," she turned and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"  I asked standing up myself as I looked at her.

"Abby is in the hospital.  I have to go, I'm so sorry.  I'll let you know when we can pick this meeting back up."  I watched as she walked out of the room almost running down the hall.  What the hell is wrong with her daughter?  I sat still waiting for Miranda and James to get back with the drinks.  When they got back I explained what happened and Miranda gasped. 

"Miranda what is wrong?"  I asked as she began what her boss was doing just a mere thirty minutes prior. 

"Abby had a brain tumor when she was two, the doctors told Liz that there was a possibility it could come back in a few years and if it did they didn't know if they could help Abby this time."  She said goodbye to us as she rushed out of the building.

"Eli, you should go a show your support at the hospital," James finally spoke up and I looked at him like he was insane.

"Elisabeth hates me more that Tom hates Jerry.  She wouldn't want me there, lets just go out already."  I spoke harshly as I walked out of the room not bothering to listen if he was following.  The worst thing was, I wanted to be there to support Elisabeth.

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