Chapter 8

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Eli's POV

I woke up with a stiff back and a beautiful women leaning on me.  I looked around the room I was in and noticed it was a hospital room.  I looked over to Abby who was still sleeping soundly and smiled. I shook her awake and smiled as she leaned up stretching slightly.  Most girls look like a train had hit them whenever they wake up, but not Elisabeth.  Her sleepy eyes gave her and innocent look and her bangs were plastered to her forehead from sleeping in such a hot room.  She looked up at me and smiled slightly.

"Good morning beautiful," I said softly as she stood up and walked towards Abby.  Somehow throughout the night the chairs had moved farther from the bed.

"You stayed all night?"  She asked as she turned towards me.  I smiled and nodded, loving the way she smiled at me.  "Eli you aren't as bad as  I thought you were," she said quietly ad I smiled, knowing that she was finally coming around.  Soon I'd be able to drop this act and just finish with her already.  Just as I was about to stand up the door opened and in walked a elderly doctor.  She looked at him and ran to wrap her arms around him.

"Liz it's so good to see you again, I just wish it would have been under different circumstances."  She pulled away and nodded as she looked at the man.

"Alfred I know the feeling, just tell me something good.  You are my last hope," he smiled and kissed her forehead as he walked over to Abby.  He didn't notice me and I felt irritated.  He placed his hand on Abby's head and looked up at Elisabeth. 

"Honey I will do what I can to save this child."  She sat down beside me as he began working on the  girl.  He poked a little and listened some.  He finally looked over at me and was startled.  "I'm sorry young man, I didn't realize Elisabeth already had company.  I'm Alfred Wiser, a long family friend of the Portman's."  I smiled and shook his hand as he looked from Elisabeth and I quizzically.

"I'm Eli Rickson, friend of Elisabeth."  I looked at her to see how she was reacting and was greeted by one of her award winning smiles.  He nodded and went back to Abby.  It felt like he spent hours on her and I was about ready to drift off when a change in the beeping happened.  I opened my eyes to see Alfred walking fast to the door.

"I need a roller stat!" He yelled and came back to Abby who's heart rate was dropping dramatically.

"Alfred do something!"  Elisabeth screamed at the man with tears running down her face.  I watched the monitor quickly fall and soon the room was crowed with nurses.  Elisabeth and I were asked to leave the room and wait outside.  I held her in my arms as she cried, praying to God that little girl was going to be alright.  Yet after the chaos in the room there was a sound missing.  The monitor had gone flat.


Elisabeth's POV

Beep.  Beep.  Beep.

I looked up at the monitor, it being my new best friend.  The last few hours had been horrendous.  Her heart had stopped and she was rushed to E.R.  They revived her in time and Alfred decided to go ahead and do the surgery.  He was able to get the tumor out and when he came back to the room I had been waiting in he had a smile on his face.  I would remember his words for the rest of my life.  'It's finally gone,'  I had let the tears fall after that.  My baby girl was alright.  We were seating in recovery and when I say we I mean my mother and I.  My father was taking care of the business while I was here and Eli left right after my mother got here.

She hadn't spoken to me since last night and I really wanted her to say something, but I didn't want to push my limits.  I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it as Abby's eyes began to open.  We had been waiting for nearly 24 hours to see her beautiful eyes after surgery and I felt like the tears were about to fall all over again.

"M...mommy my head hurts," I smiled and leaned over kissing her cheek and smiled fondly at my daughter.

"I know baby, I know.  They had to go in and fix that crazy head of yours so you wont be in pain anymore," she smiled and laughed silently as she winced at the pain.

"I'm going to go find Garrett," my mother spoke softly and I nodded not even looking her way.  My baby girl was fine.  She was alive and that's all that mattered to me.  A little while later Garrett walked into the room smiling as he saw Abby's bright face.

"Hi Abby, how are you feeling?"  He asked and Abby looked up at him, giving him one of her heart warming smiles.

"I'd really like to go home," he laughed and began to check her charts.  As he filled out a few papers and looked back at her he smiled.

"We will get you out of here in no time, but for the moment we are going to take her back to her room."  I nodded and he motioned for me to go outside the waiting room.  I walked out with him and he gave me a hug.  "It's gone Liz, it's really gone."  I smiled and laughed as I kissed his cheek. 

"Thank you so much Garrett for everything your staff has done.  When do I get to take my baby girl home?"  I asked and he shook his head.

"We are going to need to keep her here for a few weeks to make sure everything is going good.  But if she has a quick recovery like she had last time then we should get her out of here within a week."  I smiled and nodded.  I don't care how long it takes just as long as my baby girl is safe.

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