Chapter 26

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Elisabeth's POV

I woke up in my bed with my beautiful daughter laying next to me.  She didn't want to sleep in her own room and I don't think I would have let her even if she did want to.  I was so happy to have her back and have the kidnappers behind us.  I looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was already ten in the morning.  I sighed and stood up as I wrapped my robe around myself and walked to the kitchen to cook Abby her favorite breakfast. 

After my talk with Eli last night I examined Abby to make sure the only thing wrong with her was the fact she was missing her finger.  I guess they had brought a doctor in for her because when I looked at it, the skin was already sewed up and looked like it had been kept clean. 

"Mommy?"  I turned and saw my little girl rubbing sleep from her eyes as she sat at the table.  I smiled and felt my heart warm just at the fact that I had her back.  Yes we had been through a lot, my parents were gone and she had been hurt physically and emotionally but we were together again. 

"Yes baby girl," I said as I began cracking the eggs into a skillet to make her pirate eggs.   (You cut a hole into a piece of bread and then you crack an egg into the middle of the hole and finally once it is all cooked you pour syrup on top of it.)

"So the bad man is my daddy?"  I stopped my cooking and took a deep breath as I turned to her.  She looked so fragile and broken as she asked the question.

"He doesn't have to be if you don't want him to be."  She smiled and nodded as I finished her plate and sat it down in front of her.  I grabbed the syrup and a glass of milk for her as I made my way back to the table to sit down beside her. 

"Can I pick a new daddy?"  I smiled at her and nodded.  She looked at me with a mouthful of food and had a mischievous glint in her eyes.  "Well I want Eli to be my daddy."  I looked stunned but quickly heard a knock at the door.  I smiled as I stood up not really knowing what to say to her as I walked to the door.  I slowly opened the door and saw two cops standing in front of me.

"Hello how may I help you?"  I asked and they looked me up and down.

"Are you Miss Elisabeth Portman?"  The taller of the two asked and I nodded slowly as I looked at them confused.  "You made a 911 distress call yesterday and we found five dead bodies, so we need to ask you a few questions, may we  come in?"  I nodded as I stepped out of the way for them.  I took them to the living room and sat down in the chair opposite the couch. 

"So you say there were five bodies?  No more no less?"  I asked as I began to count up the guys that were in the room with us yesterday.  That means Jacob killed all of them!

"Yes ma'am, five bodies.  Now if we may, why were you at that location?"  They asked right as Abby ran into the living room.  I smiled and picked her up in my arms.

"Well it all started about a week ago when my parents were murdered.  My daughter was taken from me and the day of the funeral they came to take me."  I looked at the men and smiled at their expressions.  They had looks of sorrow on them.  "Well my ex boyfriend got the call to come over, that his father had found Abby.  When he arrived we were already duct taped to a chair and Nathan Panding had duct taped him.  One of the men in the room put a gun to Abby's head and that's when Jacob came in to stop it.  We were let go and as we walked out the front door that's when we heard the gun shots.  I called the police after that." 

They began to write down my statement and smiled at me as they stood up.  "Thank you and one more question, your ex boyfriend is Eli Rickson correct?"  I nodded and they said their goodbyes as they walked out.  I smiled and took Abby into her room as I set off to clean the kitchen.  About an hour later I heard a car door shut.  I expected to see Eli walk through the front door but what I didn't expect was Nathan to come in holding a gun in front of him.  He turned to me and smiled as he pointed the gun to my head. 

"Well hello again beautiful."

I know it's very short just bare with me:D I love you all for reading my books hope to get some comments.

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