Chapter 7

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Elisabeth's POV

I drove to the hospital as fast as I could without getting pulled over.  I tried to keep my tears at bay in fear that my mother and father would see how scared I was.  When Abby was two I found out she had brain tumor, it was very small so they were able to remove it.  It was my fault she had the tumor, when I found out I was pregnant I tried to overdose on medicine.  She's having to face the consequences now and I will forever be sorry for that.  As I pulled into the hospital parking lot I parked my truck and began running to the front door.  I rushed past people and went straight for the stairs, knowing how slow the elevators were.  As I made it to the fourth floor I dashed towards the too familiar room and saw my mother standing out side crying. 

"Mom," I yelled as I ran up to her, ignoring the glares the nurses gave me.  My mother turned towards me and engulfed me in a hug.  "What happened?"  I asked as I pulled away from the hug. 

"Everything was fine, we were watching her favorite tv show.  Then out of no where she just started having a seizure like she used to."  Her sobs started all over again and I held her tightly. 

"Where's dad?"  I asked and she looked past me.

"He's trying to get a hold of his friend who's a neurologist.  The doctor is inside waiting for you," I nodded and walked into the room, hearing the beeping.  As I turned I felt the tears fall down my face.  There was my little girl with an oxygen mask and tubes everywhere.  The doctor looked up at me and smiled sadly. 

"Elisabeth it's been a long time," I nodded at him and sat down beside her bed and held her hand.  "Liz, I'm sorry but it's not good news."  I broke out in a sob and covered my mouth as I looked at my little girl. 

"It came back," I stated instead of asking.  I looked up at him and he nodded. 

"I did some x-rays on her, it's bigger than last time.  I don't understand how she hasn't had a seizure before now."  I ran my hand over her head and let a tear slide down my cheek as he continued.  "The tumor has almost taken over the right side of her brain.  If we go in to remove it we could have fatal consequences.  You're father is bringing in the doctor that performed her surgery last time and we will see what he has to say."  I nodded and looked up at him. 

"Garrett, please tell me she'll be okay.  Please Garrett I can't live without her," he smiled and came over to hug me. 

"Liz, we will do everything we can to save her."  I nodded and he walked out just as my mother walked in.  I let the tears fall freely now and she stared at me. 

"This is your fault she is in here, Elisabeth."  I looked up at her as her harsh words sank in.  She had never spoke badly of me as a mother before.  "I want you to remember that, remember that if she dies it's because of your reckless and careless decision."  I moved my mouth to say something but all that came out was sobs.  "If my grand daughter dies because of you I will never claim you.  I will disown you.  You will never be allowed in my house again."  She walked out of the room and left me sitting with only the sound of the monitors and my sobs to keep me company.  After an hour my father walked in and took one look at me and rushed to my side.  He engulfed me into a hug as I cried on his shoulder.

"This is all my fault, dad."  I cried and he held me tighter. 

"Baby girl calm down, she will be fine.  You had no idea Abby would face the consequences.  This is not your fault," he looked at me as he sat down in the chair and pulled me into his lap like I was five again.

"Dad, she could die and it's all because of my stupid decision.  I'm a horrible mother, how could I have been so stupid."  He cooed at me and I finally became stable.  He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

"Elisabeth, you are a wonderful mother.  Don't ever doubt that," I looked at him and smiled slightly.  It's sad that my mother was the one who was supposed to be comforting me and yet she was the one who had hurt me.  I figured my father would be the one to blow up on me, that's what he did the last time we were here for this reason.

"Dad, is she going to be alright?"  I asked and he chuckled slightly. 

"For what I'm going to be paying my friend she better damn well be alright when he is doing looking at her."  I smiled and got off of his lap.  He kissed my cheek and looked down at Abby.  "Your mother and I are going to go home, if anything changes give us a call."  I nodded and sat down as he walked out.  As the hours drug on it quickly became dark outside.  I could feel myself drifting away just as I heard the door open.  I stood up, expecting it to be a doctor but instead was greeted by Eli.

"What are you doing here?  Visiting hours are over," I said as he looked down at Abby and back at me.  He smiled and gave me a hug.  I took a breath and was overwhelm with his wonderful smell.

"I paid one of the nurses quite a lot to allow me to come back here," I smiled and sat down.  He pulled a chair up next to me as I held Abby's hang.  "Is she going to be alright?"  I looked at him smiling sadly as I let a tear slide down my already tear stained cheek.

"We don't know yet, my dad hired her old doctor and he'll be here soon to check her out.  If he can't do anything for her, then...." I stopped myself, not wanting to say the words.  He placed his hand on my thigh, not the way he had at his office, in a comforting manner. 

"I wanted to come and make sure she was alright, but now I'm more concerned about you.  How are you handling this?"  I looked down and shook my head.

"It's my fault she's in here," I began to tell my story and by the end of it I was crying on his shoulder.  He had his arms wrapped around me.

"Hey Elisabeth calm down, it's going to be alright.  I promise," I looked at him and smiled. 

"Is this how you treat all the girls who haven't had sex with you?"  I asked and he chuckled to himself.

"Baby you are the only girl crazy enough not to sleep with me," I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder.  I don't know when but I fell asleep on him and I actually was able to sleep throughout the night, which is something that hadn't happened in years.

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