Chapter 19

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Eli's POV

It's been three days since I started staying with James and to say I was depressed would be an understatement.  My whole day consisted of eating and sulking in bed.  I was a pathetic piece of shit and Elisabeth hadn't returned any of my phone calls.  When I asked James about it, he said that the new CEO was working with Elisabeth every second of the day to get her company ready for the big move to China.  But that doesn't mean she couldn't at least text me back and let me know she was alright.  Well maybe this is what she wanted.  Complete time away from me to be able to concentrate on her work and her decision on what to do about us.

"Eli get up and get dressed, Trini is letting me take you out tonight so come on!  We are going to a club and I'm going to get you shit faced."  I looked at James as he stood in the doorway.  Why did he have to have the perfect life?  He got the girl of his dreams and everything was going fine for him.  Why did my life have to turn into such a complete disaster?  I mean you could look into his eyes and see how happy he was, yet I'm just stuck here in my own self pity for fucking up the only thing that mattered in my life.  Know what, fuck it!  I'm going out and I'm going to have the time of my life.

I stood up and walked to the closet that held my clothes that I brought over from Elisabeth's and found the party club outfit.  It was dark jeans with a button up black shirt.  This outfit usually did it for all the lady's when I use to go out to the club.  I turned to the doorway to see that James had left me all alone to get ready, which I was thankful for.  Or else it would have seemed kind of gay.  I walked to the guest bathroom and did my usual shower routine to wash the self sorrow off of myself. 

When I stepped out of the shower I felt so much better.  I wasn't feeling sorry for myself anymore.  I felt like I had my game back, tonight I was just going to flirt to see that I had not lost my charm.  This was going to be great. 

At about 8:30 James and I were off in his car and heading towards our usual club.  I never realized how much I missed my old life style till we pulled up outside of the club and I saw all of the lonely females just waiting to get there heart broken by the one and only Eli.  I smiled to myself and was about to get out of the car when James locked the doors.  "Just because you are going out does not mean you can cheat on Elisabeth.  Y'all are still together and you still care for her so just try to have a good time without the abundance of females."  I rolled my eyes and unlocked the doors, stepping out of the car. 

The cool crisp air hit my face and the lingering smell of lust fill my nose.  God how I have missed this Eli.  We use to have all the fun, but remember no cheating on Elisabeth.  I smiled and walked up to the bouncer, "hey Chad, how's it going?"  I asked and he looked up at me shocked.

"Eli, my man, I haven't seen you here in quite a long time!"  He yelled and I shrugged not really wanting to get into my story.

"Yeah I know, but hey that line is really long, do you think you could hook me up?"  I asked and he laughed and stepped aside to let me in.  "Thanks man, I owe you one."  I said as I walked past him and into the packed club.  James pulled me to the bar and order two of our favorite drinks.  It was mostly straight scotch with a dash of coke.  After about five of those and we would both be pretty damn drunk, but since my best friend was the DD (designated driver)  I decided I would drink my weight in alcohol tonight for him.


After an hour and ten drinks later I could barely even make out peoples faces.  I could no longer even remember why I was brought to this bar, but I could tell that there was a certain blonde at the end of the bar who I think was looking my way.  I smiled and walked over to her. 

"Hi I'm Eli,"  I said as I stuck my hand out for her to shake.  She smiled slightly and shook my hand looking me up and down.

"Hi, Eli.  I'm Jessie, look I'm not looking for someone to go home with tonight."  I looked at her a little dumbfounded but played it cool.

"Well that's good, I'm not looking for someone to take home.  I'm just looking for someone to take to the bathroom for a quickie on the sink," I said proudly and she laughed slightly, but shrugged. 

"Well alright handsome, come on."  I smirked to myself as she took my hand and maneuvered our way through the crowd towards the bathroom.  As soon as we had the door closed behind us I picked her up, stumbling slightly from the alcohol and set her on the sink.  My lips found hers and for some reason it felt wrong to be kissing her, but I wasn't paying attention to that feeling.  My hand found it's way to where she wanted me to touch and I kissed her neck to allow the moans to freely escape her lips.  As my fingers began to slip inside her the bathroom door opened.  I heard a gasp, a very familiar sound, and turned to look at the intruder.  Who the hell was the beautiful girl that looked so familiar.

"Eli what the hell are you doing?"  She asked and I was a little stunned that this stranger would ask me that question and let alone know my name.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't think he knows you."  Jessie said as she looked at the woman in the doorway.  I smirked at her and the lady had a single tear sliding down her cheek. 

"I'm his girlfriend," with those words it was like everything hit me.  This was my Lizziebell that just walked in on me fingering some other chick.

"Lizziebell I am so sorry!"  I yelled as I pulled away from Jessie.  Jessie looked at me stunned and hopped of the counter mumbling something about not having time for this as she walked out leaving the woman of my dreams standing in front of me with a betrayed expression.  "Elisabeth what are you doing here?"  I asked and she shook her head.

"Trini told me that James took you out tonight.  I was here to find you and tell you I wanted you to come home," my heart broke as I heard her say that.  Shit I just fucked up royally. 

"Elisabeth I can explain, I'm fucking drunk off my ass.  I had no idea what I was doing," I said, pleading with my eyes for her to understand.

"Come by tomorrow to pick up your stuff and to say goodbye to Abby.  After that I never want to hear from you again."  She said as she turned to walk off.  I grabbed her hand and spun her around to look at me.  She looked shocked for a moment but quickly regained her state of mind and slapped me across the face.  "Do not touch me again!"  She yelled as she walked out and I was left all alone.  Shit I just lost her for good!

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