Chapter 23

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Elisabeth's POV

I walked into the chapel and sighed softly.  The caskets were closed and flowers had been set up around the chapel.  I looked at the few people who had already started to arrive and smiled slightly.  A lot of the people coming I had no idea who they were.  I never really met any of my parents friends, I tried to stay away from them as much as possible after I had an encounter with one of my mothers old friends.  She had decided to call me a whore in front of my parents and they never really talked after that.

Though I knew some of these faces should look some what familiar to me, they didn't.  I sat at the first row that was reserved for family members.  I sighed as I looked to my left and I wished I had someone who would be here with me.  Eli wasn't going to risk coming because of his fathers request and the rest of my family was either gone or now kidnapped. 

After a couple of minutes the chapel was filled with whispers from their friends and the preacher was at the podium.  I took a deep breath, trying to steadying my emotions.  I had to stay strong for this.  I couldn't break like I wanted to. 

"We are here today to say our final goodbyes to John and Alyssa Portman.  I, myself, never had the pleasure of meeting them but from what their daughter has told me they were amazing people."  The guests began to agree with him.  "They were taken from this world to soon, but I know that they left a impact on this world."  I smiled at the man as he continued to talk and I was mentally preparing myself for when I had to go up and speak.  I looked around the room to see a lot of people smiling sadly at me.  There was no doubt in my mind that they knew everything that was going on.  It was all over the news, I had received numerous phone calls from a lot of people I had no clue who they were.  I hadn't received anymore letters from Abby's kidnappers lately, which was beginning to scare me.  "Now if I could have Elisabeth Portman come up to say a few words about her parents."  I smiled and stood up, taking my sheet of paper that I had used to write my speech on.  I walked up the small steps and stood in front of the podium. 

"My parents were amazing people, I think we all know this.  They were always there for anyone in need, if you had a problem you could go them."  I stopped and closed my eyes to calm myself as I felt my emotions getting the better off me.  "My mother was one of the sweetest ladies you could ever meet and my father was always ready for whatever might happen."  I looked at the guests and then back to my speech.  I opened my mouth to speak but before I could get a word out the back doors were thrown opened and screams were filled in the room.  I looked up to see five men dressed in black with masks covering their faces. 

"Everybody calm down!"  The man in charge yelled as he walked down the aisle of the chapel.  I walked down from the podium and met the man at the front of the aisle.  "Elisabeth we need you to come with us."  I looked at him a little shocked but I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Are you kidding me?  You took my daughter, killed my parents, now here you are disturbing their funeral and you are telling me I have to come with you!"  I yelled at the top of my lungs and looked then men over.  They each had very big guns and I knew they would kill someone if I didn't go but I no longer cared.  All of the emotions I had hidden deep down inside of me were bubbling to the top. 

"Elisabeth if you do not come with us, everyone here will be killed and I will not allow you to see Abby ever again!"  I looked at him completely stunned and shook my head. 

"How do I even know that Abby is still alive?"  I yelled and he sighed, removing his mask.  I gasped as I looked at the man who I never wanted to see again. 

"I could never kill my own daughter," Nathan spoke softly as I closed my eyes and nodded. 

"Fine, I'll go."  He smiled and grabbed my arm roughly as he pulled me outside of the chapel.  I could hear some of the guest yelling after me but I had to do this.  Nathan led me into a black van and I sat still as I waited for the rest of the guys to come back to the car.  Just as we were about to drive off Nathan turned in his seat to me and smirked. 

"Sorry about this," before I knew it I was punched in the face and everything went black.


I woke to the feeling of someone shaking me violently.  "Mommy?"  I could hear Abby's crying voice.  I forced myself to let my eyes open and when they did I felt like my face had been smashed by a sack of bricks.  I sat up and took a deep breath as I placed my hand on my sore face.  I looked over at Abby and I no longer felt any more pain.  I grabbed her tightly and pulled her into my arms.

"Abby, baby, are you okay?"  She looked at me a little shocked and then down to her right hand.  I kissed her cheek and started looking around.  It looked as if we were in a small bedroom.  There was a bed and what looked like a closet towards the side of the room.  The room had no windows and the only light was the small lamp by the bed.  I walked over to the door that was opposite the closet and turned the handle slowly.  I began to push the door, but nothing happened.

"You can't get out.  I've twied evewything."  I groaned in frustration as I sat on the bed with my head in my hands.  "Mommy we will be okay, I pwomise."  I smiled at her and pulled her up on the bed with me.  I held her to my chest tightly as I tried to figure out a way out of here.  Right as Abby was beginning to fall asleep the door opened and in walked Nathan with two other guys.

"I'm glad to see you are awake," he said softly as he sat on the bed next to us.  I pulled Abby behind my body as I looked him over.  "Oh Elisabeth, come on.  I thought we were over this, I'd never hurt my daughter."  I stared at him wide eyed as Abby looked over my shoulder. 

"You lost the rights to be her father when you said what you did at the wedding."  I glared at him and he laughed loudly.

"Oh that's right, you want the precious Eli to her daddy.  Well news flash Elisabeth he just wanted to fuck you!"  I tensed as Abby gasped.  I stood up slapping him in the face as hard as I could.  The guards made a move but he held his hand up to stop them.  He stood up and grabbed my throat.  I heard the scream that escaped Abby's lips as he pressed his lips down on mine roughly. 

He pulled away and smirked as he walked out of the door.  "Let's go get her a little present."  I sunk to the floor as I gasped for air. 

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